Project number: 2008-075
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $39,009.00
Principal Investigator: Jessica H. Farley
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2008 - 29 Jun 2009


Dramatic increases in the catch of albacore occurred in the ETBF in 2006 as several domestic longliners switched from targeting broadbill swordfish to albacore tuna landing the catch in Mooloolaba. These high catches were maintained in 2007, and given that localised depletion of albacore has been observed in several Pacific island nations, it raised concerns about the long-term sustainability of the fishery and highlighted the pressing need to implement a Harvest Strategy. Industry have stated that albacore is now an important component of the economic viability of the fleet.

To determine target reference levels for albacore consistent with the Commonwealth Harvest Strategy Policy, data are required on the size composition of the catch, size/age-at-maturity, growth rates, fecundity and mortality (Campbell et al., 2007). A feasibility study (AFMA 2006-826) specifically identified “the need to revise the size monitoring protocols for albacore, and potentially other target species, to ensure that this important input data stream for the ETBF harvest strategy is providing a consistent and unbiased sample of the size structure of the commercial catch over time”. In addition, the study identified the need to collect substantially more biological samples and undertake research on direct ageing and reproduction to address key biological uncertainties for albacore in the region. In August 2007, the WCPFC Scientific Committee re-iterated the priority for biological information on albacore and noted that this work has "strong assessment implications with wide-spread benefits to a number of fisheries active in the WCPO".

Acknowledging this, the ETMAC identified the collection and analysis of data (including size, sex composition and biological data) for the ETBF as its highest priority. In addition, the ETMAC explicitly identified the determination of life-history parameters and improved stock assessments for albacore tuna as a High Priority project. This proposal addresses both these high priority research areas.


1. Design and implement, in consultation with Industry, a practical, cost-effective industry-based monitoring program for obtaining representative sized data for albacore in the ETBF.
2. In collaboration with SPC, develop a biological sampling program to ensure that unbiased estimates of biological parameters for albacore are also obtained for the southwest Pacific region.
3. Collect biological samples (otoliths, spines, gonads & muscle tissue) from at least 500 albacore caught in the ETBF in 2008/09.

Final report

ISBN: 9781921605123
Author: Jessica Farley

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