Project number: 2009-074
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $453,165.00
Principal Investigator: Colin Creighton AM
Organisation: Colin Creighton
Project start/end date: 24 Jan 2010 - 30 Dec 2013


The 4 key needs are:

1 - the need to ensure multiple investors - FRDC, DCC and States plus possibly DAFF all achieve the outputs and outcomes they seek from pooled investment while where possible also value adding on their core investment such as through inkind research contributions or other partnership opportunities. Importantly to ensure that the investment activity is collaborative in nature and focuses on the needs of end-users of the research outputs.

2 - the need to translate Climate Adaptation and Mitigation, somewhat long term and challenging policy concepts into meaningful and useful research outputs that Australia's fishing industry can adopt as part of their industry development and management planning [industry here is taken in its broadest sense to include commercial, recreational, indigenous and conservation outcomes]

3 - the need to select and then project manage to successful completion a key and agenda setting combination of research, communication and knowledge exchange activities

4 - the need to conceptually develop an integrated package of activities that while meaningful and useful as outputs in themselves also combine and synergise to produce higher level Program outcomes far greater in benefit to Australia's fishing industry than the component parts


1. Program - to ensure the combined investment delivers outcomes for climate adaptation responses far greater than the individual projects
2. Investment - to facilitate wise and if possible additional investment additional to the initial investors of FRDC, DCC and DPI Vic with an outcome of increased scope and coverage in the research program.
3. Technical - to foster astute investment, selecting the projects of greatest potential benefit for Program outcomes while simultaneously ensuring a cohort of leading science practioners as motivated advocates.
4. Program Oversight - to provide a formal vehicle for Investor participation and direction in Program design, delivery and findings.
5. Communication - to foster planned and strategic communication activities about the program and its findings.
6. Adoption - to foster and share knowledge on the climate change imperatives.
7. Coordination - to ensure accountability and competent logistical support in the conduct of all program activities.

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