Project number: 2009-054
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $34,000.00
Principal Investigator: John C. Harrison
Organisation: Professional Fishers Association (PFA)
Project start/end date: 21 Oct 2009 - 27 Feb 2010


The need to know the impacts and benefits to society from commercial fishing industry activities is essential. A like study commissioned by the CRFC in 1995 has been of immense value. Repeating and improving this now in the climate that faces the industry will provide a first benchmark for the Coffs Harbour and Ballina regions whilst allowing for comparative analysis in the Clarence region with the 1995 report.
With the inclusion of Coffs Harbour and Ballina in the study we will be able to assess on a regional basis the benefits that the industry has on the North Coast of NSW. With challenges facing the viability of fishing cooperatives this evaluation will assist the cooperatives and the PFA in promoting the role, worth and importance of commercial fishing in their respective regions.


1. Provide an historical account of development of commercial fishing in the regions.
2. Describe geographical characteristics, human alterations, fisheries habitats and fish communities in the regions.
3. Describe operations of commercial fisheries: harvesting/processing sectors and commercial catch in the regions.
4. Describe economic impact of the industry, output, income generation, employment and flow-on
5. Describe socio-economic benefits from commercial fishing in the regions for the local communities.
6. Develop an independent and objective evaluation of the three regions contribution to seafood security at the local/regional, state/national and international level while examining and commenting on the capacity and effectiveness of the economic impacts and benefits described in objective 4 & 5 for the purpose of informing management of industry.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9808239-0-5
Author: John Harrison

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