Project number: 2009-060
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $13,000.00
Principal Investigator: Anthony Forster
Organisation: Agriculture Victoria
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2010 - 28 Feb 2011


Murray cod is an iconic freshwater angling species yet the species is listed as threatened (IUCN: upgraded to Critically Endangered in October 2008). It's distribution range covers the Murray-Darling Basin and, hence there is an opportunity for fisheries agencies to collaborate to develop and adopt better fisheries management practices to enhance community benefits from the fishery. Such an approach would be consistent with the Primary Industries Ministerial Council Policy commitment to collaborate nationally and use research, development and extension services more effectively and efficiently.

To achieve the above there is an need to:

1. Improve research deliver i.e. improve information flow between fisheries management and environment management agencies to avoid research duplication, break down jurisdictional silo’s (share information), improve cost effectiveness, timeliness and quality of research (peer review),

2. Align fisheries management and policy i.e. there are significant difference in fisheries management approaches between jurisdictions, e.g. stocking policy, population modelling, bag and size limits etc.,

3. Better align research directions to meet fisheries management needs,

4. Better coordinate between fisheries management agencies in dealing with illegal take for sale trade (note: declaration of Murray cod as a priority species in Victoria),

5. Address a growing division of opinion about the status of Murray cod populations between anglers, fisheries managers and environmental agencies.

A cross-jurisdictional workshop in December 2009 is proposed to bring key resource management agencies together to develop a shared vision for the Murray cod recreational fishery. The forum will also faciliate better engagement with the recreational angling represenative groups and ensure research is aligned to fisheries management objectives.

Improved collaboration will ensure research is driven by resource management objectives, reduce the risk of research duplication, drive policy and research alignment and improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of applied research and development.


1. Develop a shared understanding of the issues, impediments, information gaps and opportunities to build a stronger recreational Murray cod fishery.
2. Develop an action plan to improve Murray cod recreational fisheries outcomes across the Murray-Darling Basin through partnerships between fisheries, environmental management agencies and recreational fishers.
3. Build a shared commitment by key stakeholders to develop and implement a recreational fishery management and research action plan.

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