Project number: 2009-329
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $23,830.00
Principal Investigator: Nick Lambert
Organisation: TQA Australia
Project start/end date: 16 May 2010 - 29 Sep 2010


FRDC have conservatively described engagement with the indigenous community as challenging. Indigenous fishing is one of three core topic areas within the current FRDC priority areas and, despite significant opportunity, has received limited interest from the target market.

This project aims to develop and test guidelines for engagement with indigenous applicants and to test the current FRDC funding application process for its "user-friendliness" to this target audience.

Testing the guidelines for engagement will involve people with limited experience with indigenous communities supported by more experienced team members. It is also hoped that FRDC staff will participate in the testing phase.


1. To explore ways to engage successfully with the indigenous community
2. To develop guidelines for engagement with the indigenous community
3. To build capacity amongst Course 16 of the Australian Leadership Program to effectively engage with the indigenous community
4. To build capacity with FRDC staff to effectively engage with the indigenous community

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