Project number: 2011-409
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $149,620.00
Principal Investigator: Peter Fuller
Organisation: Fuller and Associates Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 29 Jan 2012 - 30 Apr 2013


From our industry consultation, FULLER understands that the Fisheries R&D Corporation coordinates a range of leadership courses each year that are designed to enhance the capabilities of mainly younger people.

Some of these courses include a basic media training component, however this is not delivered in a targeted or strategic manner, and there is no additional strategic communications follow-up training.

Any industry requires strong leadership in order to create positive change and to sustain itself in the face of competing environmental, commercial and political pressures.

FULLER believes that outstanding verbal, written and visual communication is critical to the successful leadership and management of any organization, and that the foundation of good communication is an agreed plan.

From our experience media training is more successful if trainees are told “what” to communicate, before they are taught “how” to communicate.

Therefore, while the tender brief calls for a short term solution – media training of industry leaders – it is our recommendation that this People Development Program should start with the development of a strategic communication plan.

This consultative process will help the industry better understand its key communication challenges and opportunities, the messaging it needs to communicate, and the key stakeholders it needs to engage. It will also suggest a wider range of communication tactics than just media – a necessity in this rapidly changing communication landscape (eg web, social media, video, SMS).

On completion of the plan, the subsequent training delivery will be able to introduce these current and future leaders to the big issues facing the industry, the consistent messaging that needs to be employed as well as contemporary public relations tools, including media engagement.

This will create a new breed of professional, proactive seafood leaders who will have a positive and lasting impact on the industry.


1. Creation of a key influencer group of current and future leaders representing every aspect of industry (regional, territory, national) who will create the communication agenda.
2. Convening a strategic communications planning workshop with the key influencer group which will consider the industry’s key communication challenges and opportunities.
3. Development of a strategic communications plan to improve public perception of the industry and its engagement with national opinion makers and other economic sectors. The strategy will identify: Target audiences: who are the seafood industry’s key influencers and stakeholders? - Key Messaging: current and future challenges and how they will be addressed
positives of Australian seafood industry
negatives of Australian seafood industry. - Key Spokespeople: a primary and secondary leader in each state and territory. - Communication tactics: how will the seafood industry communicate with its stakeholders?
4. Development of an education program that will train industry representatives about contemporary strategic communication - how to do it and why it needs to happen - utilising the latest communications techniques including media.
5. Identification of seafood industry leaders/spokespeople in each state and territory in Australia who will undertake training.
6. Delivery of strategic communication and media training to key industry stakeholders at locations around Australia (at least five locations eg SA, VIC, NSW, TAS, WA). The training will equip current and future industry spokespeople with communication skills that will help them perform their responsibilities as leaders including: - the key messages required to communicate current and future challenges of the industry and how they might be addressed
- contemporary communication tactics that can help build healthy relationships with key stakeholders and build trust with the general public
- professional presentation and media skills (how to conduct a professional presentation and how to conduct a media interview including how to perform during a crisis)
- internal communication skills to build a positive and proactive culture among the membership of peak industry organisations.
7. Development of an annual “update” program of communication education and activity that leverages and connects existing leadership and communication activities (e.g. the creation of a communications workshop at existing annual conferences.)

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