Project number: 2011-217
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $29,459.89
Principal Investigator: Alexandra McManus
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2011 - 30 Dec 2011


Recreational fishing is a form of outdoor recreation providing physiological, psychological and social benefits to the community. These benefits, while widely recognised, are inherently difficult to identify and quantify. This project will collate research efforts, initiatives and programs currently underway in Australia around the topic of recreational fishing, health and well-being. This investigation will increase understanding of the health and well-being benefits derived from recreational fishing for different community sectors and stages of life.
Determination of the health and well-being benefits to communities from recreational fishing will allow for consideration of these factors in allocation of resources. As an outdoor pursuit that can be enjoyed throughout life, it is important that the recreational fishing sector is recognised for promotion of well-being. Factors requiring consideration include a positive impact on mental health, perceived well-being, prevention of chronic disease and associated reductions in health care burden. These and other factors need to be considered for the true value of recreational fishing to be recognised. Recreational fishing is one of the few outdoor recreational activites that can be enjoyed at almost any age regrardless of skill, experieince or disability. Outcomes of Australian Institute of Criminology research investigating sport, physical activity and antisocial behaviour in youth, as well as international efforts such as the UK 'Get Hooked on Fishing' initiative aimed at providing diversions for youth from antisocial behaviour, will be included in the final analysis. This project represents a first step in consolidating the value of recreational fishing across Australia.


1. Identify current research activities and programs in Australia relating to recreational fishing and health or well-being.
2. Investigate the impact of recreational fishing on the health and well-being of Australian Society

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9872086-1-3
Author: Alexandra McManus

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