Project number: 2012-408
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,749.79
Principal Investigator: Mehdi D. Doroudi
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 26 Sep 2012 - 29 Oct 2012


The purpose of the application is to seek funds to support travel to attend the 19th meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) to be held in Takamatsu City, Japan. In addition, I intend to visit a number of research facilities to further understand issues associated with tuna propagation techniques, kingfish husbandry including nutrition and disease, and fisheries management issues that relate to South Australian fisheries and aquaculture industries (e.g. stock enhancement, regional fisheries management, ranching of other species, recreational fishing).

Since 2010, the SA government has had input into the future decision making processes of CCSBT. These negotiations align closely with a number of key science, sustainability, social and industry development strategies in relevant SA and Australian strategic plans, such as the SA State Plan and SA Food Strategy 2010 – 2015.

Kinki University has developed a successful program to close the life cycle of Northern Bluefin Tuna. South Australia has had success with the closing the life cycle of the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) however there are significant challenges ahead of this new and emerging industry to commercialise this activity. Visiting Kinki University will provide the SA government with a better understanding of the future need for infrastructure and R&D expertise to overcome the current bottleneck and to develop a new industry.

Discussions with Fisheries Managers and researchers will inform PIRSA in relation to decision making processes around the management and development of fishing and aquaculture in South Australia.


1. To participate in negotiations for SBT on behalf on the South Australian government.
2. To discuss tuna propagation techniques and kingfish husbandry issues with key researchers.
3. To discuss issues relating to fisheries management, including marine stock enhancement and ranching programs.

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