Project number: 2014-503.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $52,260.00
Principal Investigator: Ewan A. Colquhoun
Organisation: Ridge Partners
Project start/end date: 1 Jun 2014 - 1 Oct 2014


In 2005 the Primary Industries Ministerial Council (PIMC) endorsed the concept of National research with Regional development and Local extension for Primary Industries.

Following advice from the Primary Industry Standing Committee (PISC) on 8th July 2009, the FRDC (and PISC agencies in SA, Vic., and Tas.) was tasked to undertake initial contributions toward a national research, development and extension framework for the fisheries and aquaculture industries. The development of the RDE framework for the fisheries and aquaculture industries will be undertaken in 7 successive stages:
1. Sector Overview
2. Current Sector Resource Analysis
3. Future Strategic RD&E Plan
4. Capability Analysis
5. Change Plan
6. Approvals (PIMC)
7. Implementation

In 2009 the FRDC identified a Terms of Reference and commissioned Ridge Partners to undertake work to address stages 1 and 3. The Sector Overview was undertaken and Report submitted, by a Project Team lead by Ewan Colquhoun.

This 2014 project will undertake the sectoral overview assessment work (desk research and analyses, and stakeholder surveys) required to inform the next FRDC RD&E planning process.


1. To assess and analyse the current business and operating environments for the F&A industries
2. Develop scenario forecasts for the future business and operating environments for the F&A industries
3. Identify and document the preferred RD&E strategies that will form the basis for the national F&A Industry RD&E Plan, based on the forecast scenarios

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