Project number: 2004-008
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $160,000.00
Principal Investigator: Iain Smith
Organisation: Northern Territory Seafood Council (NTSC)
Project start/end date: 30 Jan 2004 - 29 Oct 2006


During the past three years there has been an increasing interest in and understanding among licensee Associations of the role that environmental performance is playing in the future viability of wild catch fisheries in the Northern Territory.

There are now 8 Associations/Licencee Groups that want to develop Codes of Practice for their fisheries and at least 3 wish to progress to full environmental management systems at this stage, with more considering this.

With the predominantly negative media coverage of the fishing industry in the Northern Territory, the realization of these initiatives by industry will go a significant way towards changing its image within major sections of the community. At the same time, it will facilitate industry’s wish to ensure that it continues to sustainably harvest product as the industry further develops. The initiatives are in line with the strategic management directions of the NT Government.

The difficulty facing industry is that the Seafood Council, which administers all the Associations, does not have the staff to adequately assist these developments. The Seafood Council strongly believes that the relatively small investments over two years to fund a dedicated person to drive the developments at a detailed practical level will pay dividends worth many times the investments for industry, the Northern Territory community and the aquatic resources and ecosystems in waters adjacent to the Northern Territory.


1. To develop and implement comprehensive Codes of Practice in the: NT Shark fisheryNT Spanish Mackerel fisheryNT Coastal Net fisheryNT Coastal Line fisheryNT Demersal fisheryNT Timor Reef fisheryNT Trepang fisheryNT Aquarium fishery.
2. To develop full Environmental Management Systems for the:NT Shark fisheryNT Spanish Mackerel fisheryNT Timor Reef fishery
3. To facilitate the development of a comprehensive communications strategy within industry and between industry and the wider community in regard to the benefits flowing from these initiatives.
4. To assist in engendering at the grass roots level within industry, a culture of continual improvement in environmental performance and maximization of product quality and value.
5. To assist in the review of the existing NT Crab Fishery Code of Practice.

Final report

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