Project number: 2009-224
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $30,480.00
Principal Investigator: Shane L. Comiskey
Organisation: South Australian Oyster Research Council Pty Ltd (SAORC)
Project start/end date: 31 May 2010 - 29 Nov 2010


The Oyster Consortium and Shellfish Industry Council of Australia need to form a national oyster industry incorporated entity so that the industry has the capacity to house R & D, policy/advocacy (and market and promotion activities). A presentation of a detailed case needs to be made to the industry so that they are informed of and supportive of the entity's capability, structure and costs.

CRC project: Australian Edible Oyster Industry Buisness Plan 2009 - 2014 contains analysis and recommendations on priorities (across all three R & D, policy and marketing) for the next 5 years. An additional paper under the same project titled Australian Oyster Industry Governance Model DISCUSSION PAPER outlines the need for a national entity, its scope, the need for increased R & D/M & P investment by the industry, funding mechanism possibilities and entity structure.

The oyster industry needs to provide the following detail to the industry prior to forming the entity, in a single document, using the Australian Oyster Industry Governance Model DISCUSSION PAPER (from CRC project 2009/729) as its base:
* scope & purpose
* structure (including legal advice on constitution)
* resources required and annual budgets
* funding models and legislative implications

This second stage of investment is outside the scope of the Seafood CRC and the Oyster Consortium does not have the capacity within it, particularly legal, to undertake the work itself.

The national oyster industry also needs a website as an electronic means for industry extension and for public (consumers, Government and R & D providers) access of information.


1. To provide the oyster industry with the information (structure, costs, funding and legal advice) required to gain agreement to incorporate a national edible oyster industry entity
2. To form a national oyster industry entity combining R & D and policy/advocacy functions
3. To create a website for the national edible oyster industry containing information for consumers, the industry and its stakeholders.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9806740-2-1
Author: Shane Comiskey
Final Report • 2012-04-04 • 352.46 KB


Oysters Australia Pty Ltd, the first national body representing the interests of all Australian oyster growers was incorporated on the 3rd October, 2011. The board comprises six grower directors selected from state based bodies the South Australian Oyster Growers Association, the South Australian Oyster Research Council, the Tasmanian Shellfish Executive Council, the Tasmanian Oyster Research Council, NSW Farmers Oysters Committee and the NSW Aquaculture Research & Advisory Council. Each of these six bodies are identified as being representative of the commercial interests of oyster growers in each of those three states. The six grower directors will be elected on a rotational basis from the each of the state bodies every 2 years.

The core objectives of Oysters Australia are to on behalf of oyster growers are:

  1. Commissioning, managing and reporting on national R&D projects.
  2. Liaising closely with the states to ensure there is a commonly articulated understanding and view on R&D projects to eliminate duplication of effort and resources.
  3. Over time, potentially become the national body responsible for the commissioning and managing of national marketing and promotion activities.
  4. In the short term, replacing the core functions of the Shellfish Industry Council of Australia (“SICOA”). Over time, OA would develop a more active role in the development of a national and higher profile in the eyes of regulators, government and others in the supply chain.

Oysters Australia will comprise the board of 6 directors, plus an Executive Officer and Chairman.

Oysters Australia has created a website

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