Project number: 2002-423
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $4,585.00
Principal Investigator: Allan Bremner
Organisation: Allan Bremner and Associates
Project start/end date: 28 Aug 2002 - 30 Jun 2003


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1. To achieve broad agreement of key stakeholders on development of a strategic plan for establishing a quality index for selected Australian seafoods including benefits and costs.
2. To outline how to implement the first stage of this strategy including proposals for trials.
3. To assess infrastructure, resource and training requirements for implementation of the strategy.

Final report

Author: Allan Bremner
Final Report • 2003-04-01 • 256.14 KB


A workshop was held on September 18, 2002, to discuss the development of a quality index suited for use on Australian seafoods. A wide range of stakeholders from industry, fisheries organisations and R&D providers was represented and many others, unable to attend, requested to be kept informed. There was unanimous agreement within this Working Group that a form of Quality Index was urgently required for Australian seafoods. 

The group concurred unanimously that an agreed quality index has enormous advantages in monitoring every aspect of the seafood chain from catch through to final point of sale. Properly used, a quality index can help eliminate inefficiencies, provide standard material, minimize waste, provide control records, improve image, diagnose faults, predict shelf-life, reduce disputes and enhance market confidence in the products.

The working group discussed methodology and considered that a technique, first developed in this country, should be further investigated. This method has been widely taken up in Europe where it is used in industry as well as in research. Thus its practical uses and advantages, its principles and the theoretical bases underpinning it are now well known. The approach can satisfy the need for a quality index that can be universally understood and readily transmitted, that provides a measure of the time-temperature history of the fish and that provides a good prediction of remaining shelf-life to satisfy the requirements of electronic trading.

The Working Group then proceeded to appoint a Steering Group, outline a Strategic Plan, develop an Action Plan, identify key Stakeholders, list key contacts and consider potential Funding Sources.

Keywords: Quality index, E-commerce.

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