Project number: 2012-303
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $50,667.00
Organisation: South Australian Recreational Fishing Advisory Council Inc (SARFAC)
Project start/end date: 15 Nov 2014 - 30 Jan 2015


The South Australian Minister of Fisheries has asked for up to date information on community attitudes towards a recreational fishing licence in South Australia. Investigating independent funding streams for recreational fishing has been identified as a major way to increase the capacity of the recreational sector in South Australia to engage with Government and communities to further the aim of developing and enhancing fishing. It will also be a mechanism for representatives of the peak bodies to be independent, or less reliant, on Government funding and to become more representative and capable of meeting co-management criteria of the Fisheries Council of South Australia.
Implementing a recreational fishing licence in South Australia also creates an independent funding source for recreational fishing development in SA, and will allow recreational fishers to directly input into research and compliance programs. Other jurisdictions in Australia has benefited from their own recreational licence funds, and understanding the community attitudes to a licence in South Australia will support South Australia moving down the path of self funding the sector. Other effects include the encouraging greater debate, participation and financial contribution within the recreational fishing community in South Australia.


1. Understand and quantify attitudes of recreational fishers to a Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL) in South Australia
2. Identify how willingness of recreational fishers to accept an RFL varies depending on factors such as cost, accessibility, and how funds are used
3. Identify optimal design of an RFL to maximise recreational fisher acceptance of introduction of a licence

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