Project number: 1979-003
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Frank Whitfield
Organisation: CSIRO Geelong Waurn Ponds
Project start/end date: 27 Jun 1981 - 29 Jun 1981


1. Isolate, from prawns and other crustaceans, compounds responsible for iodoform-like off-flavours.
2. Determine the structures of these compounds and with the aid of these identifications determine the origin of the compounds.

Final report

Author: Diana J Freeman
Final Report • 713.36 KB


A wide variety of off-flavour problems associated with crustaceans have in the past been termed "iodoform-like". Work carried out in this Labora­tory showed that the existing off-flavour problems were complex and that the term "iodoform" could only be applied to a proportion of off-flavoured material being brought onto the consumer market. The "iodoform" problem appeared to be principally associated with the endeavour prawn, Metapenaeus endeavouri of Western Australia and only occasionally with the large king prawn, Penaeus plebejus, caught off the eastern coast of Australia.

A problem of greater commercial significance occurs with the deep-sea royal red prawn, Hymenopenaeus sibogae and the shallow water sand-lobster, Ibacus peronii, both of which have been described as having an "iodoform" off-flavour. However when first confronted with the problem in this Laboratory, the flavour was described as resembling that of garlic with a pronounced metallic after-taste. It has been shown that this garlic­ metallic off-flavour is multicomponent, and that in the case of the royal red prawn it does not arise as a consequence of poor handling techniques. In contrast, two minor off-flavours described as rotten onion and moth-ball were directly associated with microbial spoilage resulting from poor handling procedures. Consequently, certain recommendations have been made that will alleviate some of the off-flavours and give rise to a product of greater visual appeal

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