Project number: 2016-147
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jo-Anne Ruscoe
Organisation: Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA)
Project start/end date: 13 Jun 2017 - 14 Dec 2017


Enhanced biosecurity has been identified as a priority area in the ABFA 2015 – 2020 Strategic Plan.

Although the farmed barramundi industry and relevant jurisdictions have implemented a range of measures to mitigate the risks of major diseases of concern (i.e. individual on farm biosecurity procedures and engagement and sponsorship of a number of specific projects), this industry sector does not have a nationally consistent, agreed approach to biosecurity.

The development of a sector-specific national biosecurity plan for the farmed barramundi industry would ensure a common level of biosecurity risk management to support specific enterprise and whole-of industry productivity.

Furthermore, work is underway to develop industry-government emergency aquatic animal disease response arrangements. These arrangements should be underpinned by amongst other measures an industry biosecurity plan.

The industry feel that they are at a high risk to diseases introduction through the importation of fish that require processing from high risk regions that have very potent diseases such as pot belly and scale drop syndrome. As such enhanced Industry biosecurity measures are considered critical to the growth of barramundi farming in Australia.


1. To develop an industry-endorsed, sector-specific biosecurity plan and relevant guidance documents for the Australian farmed barramundi industry


ISBN: Not provided
Authors: Matt Landos Chris Calogeras
Report • 2017-12-01 • 1.99 MB


As the Australian Barramundi industry continues to expand growing importance needs to be placed on ensuring nationally consistent biosecurity measures are implemented across all enterprises. In 2014, the aquatic animal industries and Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments endorsed Australia’s third national strategic plan for aquatic animal health, AQUAPLAN 2014-2019. AQUAPLAN outlines priorities for enhancing Australia’s management of aquatic animal health.
These guidelines have been developed to assist Australian Barramundi farms with the tools and templates to create basic through to comprehensive, and fully auditable, biosecurity plans.
Final Report • 2019-06-28 • 1.99 MB


These guidelines have been developed to assist members of the Australian Barramundi Farmers Association (ABFA) to create fully auditable biosecurity plans. They form a component of AQUAPLAN 2014-2019, and a strategic goal of ABFA to achieve ‘effective management of biosecurity risk’.

These guidelines have been developed to assist barramundi enterprises to:
• develop a farm biosecurity plan (for those with no current plan in place); or
• strengthen an existing farm biosecurity plan.

These guidelines identify the major routes of disease transmission that should be incorporated into a farm biosecurity plan, including disease entry, and spread within and from a Barramundi farm. The
guidelines help assess:
• risks associated with each potential route of disease transmission
• on-farm measures to minimise the risk of disease transmission
• supporting documentation needs, such as standard operating procedures (SOPs), for a comprehensive plan.

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