Project number: 1993-209
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,558.00
Principal Investigator: John Glaister
Organisation: Australian Society For Fish Biology Inc
Project start/end date: 14 Nov 1993 - 31 Dec 1994


1. To promote the opportunity during the Australian Society for Fish Biology annual conference for the national fisheries research expertise to focus on a technical area or subject of current or percieved national or regional fisheries significance.
2. To promote the opportunity during the Australian Society for Fish Biology annual conference for the national fisheries research expertise to focus on a technical area or subject of current or percieved national or regional fisheries significance.
3. To assist in the publication of workshop proceedings as a benchmark document of current knowledge in the workshop subject area
4. As a result, to identify, and define research questions of national fisheries significance.
5. The proposed workshop - "Population Dynamics for Fisheries Management" - will focus on what are the processes leading to the development of management advice

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