Project number: 2019-085
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $59,857.04
Principal Investigator: Jonathan McPhail
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)
Project start/end date: 29 Sep 2019 - 29 Sep 2020


There are numerous Australian jurisdictions that have faced and are currently facing management challenges with Snapper stocks in decline. It proposed that a national Snapper workshop is needed to bring together from each jurisdiction fisheries managers, scientists and key stakeholders from the commercial and recreational fishing sectors to:

(1) Communicate findings on Snapper research, gain an insight into the challenges, successes and learnings from management arrangements implemented in each jurisdiction.
(2) Identify a national approach to collaborate and manage a Snapper stock that crosses jurisdictional boundaries
(3) Develop a set of national R&D priorities for Snapper, in particular dealing with the issue of ‘hyperstability’.
(4) Develop a tool kit to support fisheries managers recover Snapper stocks.

The main aim of the workshop is for each jurisdiction to exchange information on Snapper and to ensure that Snapper R&D has a national co-ordinated approach that addresses the challenges being faced, makes the most efficient use of available resources and integrates key stakeholders such as the recreational and commercial fisheries, government and research providers.


1. To identify key issues and challenges for Snapper, review Snapper research, and critique jurisdictional management arrangements.
2. To explore a national approach to collaborate and manage cross-jurisdictional Snapper stocks.
3. To explore and develop a set of innovative national R&D priorities for Snapper that address the challenges being faced.
4. To develop a tool kit to support fisheries managers to recover depleted Snapper stocks.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-6482204-5-9
Authors: I. Cartwright J.W McPhail I Knuckey I Smith T N. Rayns and M. Steer
Final Report • 2020-09-21 • 1.08 MB


The Department of Primary Industries and Regions organised and ran a national Snapper Workshop in Adelaide from the 12 to 14 November 2019 with funding from FRDC and the strong support of the Australian Fisheries Managers Forum. The workshop objectives were to:
  1. identify key issues and challenges for Snapper, review Snapper research and critique jurisdictional management arrangements;
  2. explore a national approach to collaborate and manage cross-jurisdictional Snapper stocks;
  3. explore and develop a set of national R&D priorities for Snapper that address the challenges being faced; and,
  4. develop a tool kit to support fishery managers to recover depleted Snapper stocks
Government representatives, independent scientists, fishery managers and Fisheries Research and Development Corporation representatives attended all three days of the workshop. Commercial, charter and recreational fishing representatives attended the last day of the workshop.

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