Project number: 1986-064
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Steven Montgomery
Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project start/end date: 27 Jun 1989 - 29 Jun 1989


1. Gather baseline catch information, incl population structure & present level of exploitation, on the major commercial spp.
2. Assess most suitable method for identifying stocks & investigating growth & mortality. Investigate reproductive biology of Jasus verrauxi.

Final report

Author: Steven S. Montgomery
Final Report • 1989-06-30 • 11.42 MB


The objectives of this study were to determine whether catch rates of rock lobsters in the commercial fishery off New South Wales were declining, the size and species composition of catches from the commercial fishery and to ascertain the smallest length at which 50% of female eastern rock lobsters, Jasus verreauxi carried eggs. In addition, experiments were done to assess the mortality in this species caused by tagging with different types of external tags.

Rock lobsters have been exploited off New South Wales since 1873. Reported annual landings averaged 122 tonnes per annum over the 10 year period to 1983-84 (latest year for which data are available from the NSW Agriculture & Fisheries Annual Reports). Based upon current prices at the point of first sale (Annual Reports of the Sydney Fish Marketing Authority), these average annual landings are worth $3 million per annum . In addition to this however, unreported landings are around 70% of those reported.Four species comprise the commercial catch namely; the eastern rock lobster Jasus verreauxi, the southern rock lobster Jasus novaehollandiae and the painted rock lobsters Panulirus longipes longipes and Panulirus ornatus. The eastern rock lobster comprises around 97% of annual landings in New South Wales.

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