Project number: 2013-024
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $200,000.00
Principal Investigator: Lowri Pryce
Organisation: OceanWatch Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 9 Jun 2013 - 31 Jul 2014


This application is in response to the priorities identified in the NSW FRAB's recent stakeholder priorities workshop (developing the professional credentials of the NSW Fishermen).

This pilot will assist the NSW SFM Pilot (CRC Project MB079) and SSA EOI (AS015), by ground-truthing the industry on-ground components of the Responsible Fishing Scheme within the NSW context, but will be designed and implemented to keep the national context as a future capability.

In addition, the application is in response to, and addresses the need of, the FRDC R&DE Priorities areas as follows; Program 1: Environment (Theme 4 - Ecologically sustainable development),Program 3: communities (Theme 10 - Resilient and supportive communities) Program 4: People development (Theme 12 - Workforce development) (Theme 13 - Innovation skills) and Program 5: Extension and adoption.

The project will also embrace previous industry development research outputs not extended to stakeholders including the ASIC Code of Conduct for a Responsible Seafood Industry and the Sydney Fish Market Seafood Handling Guidelines, as well as lifting the profile of the existence, contents and benefits of industry adopted codes of practice amongst NSW fishers.

Extension of the project outcomes will also have the potential to provide a mechanism for expressing industry’s values (both individual and as collectives) to communities and other stakeholders, by highlighting the environmental credentials of participating fishermen .


1. Gain industry support for uptake of CoPs in NSW and industry training and accreditation
2. After feedback from industry, review and align current NSW Estuary fishery Code of Practice to FAO (international)and ASIC (national) codes -
3. Develop training materials for fishers focussing on fishing practices fishery regulations and environmental best practice aligned with the Seafood Training Package
4. Train NSW SeaNet Officer in Cert 4 Workplace Training and Assessment
5. Deliver training workshops to fishers as a pilot, assess and accredit against training package competencies
6. Acknowledge successful participants as "Master Fishermen"
7. Create interactive database of supporting information
8. extend results of the project to stakeholders and consumers

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