20,288 results

Reviewing solutions to reduce unwanted fisher interactions with elasmobranchs

Project number: 2023-012
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $375,390.00
Principal Investigator: Jonathan D. Mitchell
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 14 Feb 2024 - 14 Oct 2026


This project will build on the 2022 FRDC National Workshop on Shark Depredation (project number 2021-038) and have four complementary phases through: (1) a detailed review of the peer-reviewed and grey literature to identify and assess the efficacy of the most recently developed mitigation methods, (2) a survey of the scientific community and fishing-industry stakeholders (i.e. fishers, industry representatives, managers) to identify lesser known methods developed and/or used by fishers, (3) a series of workshops to identify the most promising approaches for mitigating depredation and plan the design of field trials, with a stop/go point occurring at the end of this phase based on whether suitable methods are found, and if so, (4) a robust experimental trial of the most promising mitigation method(s) to assess their effectiveness at reducing shark depredation. Phase 4 would be dependent on whether suitable methods can be identified through Phases 1–3. Stakeholder involvement and outreach will be a critical part of this project across all phases. The findings of this project will be widely disseminated via presentations to fishing clubs and industry members, written articles in the FRDC and fishing magazines, a final project report and subsequent peer reviewed publications. All off these outreach activities will be conducted in collaboration with the FRDC Extension Officer network. This will ensure broad adoption of the identified depredation mitigation measure(s).


1. Review the existing peer-reviewed and grey literature to collate information on the range of methods trialled to date for reducing shark interactions with fishing and assess their relative effectiveness
2. Survey of the scientific community and fishing-industry stakeholders (i.e. fishers, industry representatives, managers) to identify lesser known methods developed and/or used by fishers which may not have been formally discussed or tested in the peer-reviewed or grey literature.
3. Conduct industry workshops to identify the most promising and practical approaches for mitigating depredation and plan a robust experimental design for future trials
4. Based on the outcomes of Objectives 1–3, conduct robust experimental trials of the most promising mitigation method(s)
5. Extend the results of the workshops and on-water testing to the wider fishing community to facilitate broad adoption of the tested mitigation method(s) (should they prove effective)

Developing a cost-effective and novel fisheries-independent monitoring program to inform scalefish fisheries management

Project number: 2023-002
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $370,386.00
Principal Investigator: Alyssa Marshell
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2023 - 9 Jan 2027


Target species of Tasmanian scalefish fisheries (TSF) remain difficult to assess and manage due to the wide range of species (> 20 species) and variety of both commercial and recreational fisheries methods. TSF are currently assessed using commercial catch and effort data as well as age and length information. However, some key TSF species landings are increasingly greater in the recreational sector, with a comparatively low commercial catch. Therefore, due to the absence of regular and robust CPUE data, innovative fishery independent data collection programs are required to routinely monitor TSF species and provide adequate data for stock assessment models. This project will review and collate data from previous studies to design and test strategic and cost-effective novel fishery-independent survey methods that collect population dynamics data for a suite of key scalefish fisheries species, across both environmental and fishing intensity gradients in Tasmania. Outcomes will improve stock assessment methods by providing new and additional data for data-poor and undefined species, and, if proven cost-effective, establish an ongoing, long-term fishery-independent monitoring program to enhance the sustainability of TSF. We will collate historical data on Tasmanian scalefish abundance, biomass, distribution, and length-frequencies collected in previous research projects and collect and compare new data to fill current knowledge gaps about localised population depletion and population dynamics across different habitats. Many of the popular commercial and recreational scalefish fisheries are increasingly of concern, with southern sand flathead, southern garfish, and bastard and striped trumpeters all assessed as depleted in the most recent (2020/21) Tasmanian stock assessment (Fraser et al 2022), while others (such as flounder - Pleuronectidae family, longsnout boarfish, and barracouta) were assessed as undefined due to lack of available data for these species. Our results will better inform data-poor stock assessment approaches and will have implications for fisheries managers making critical management decisions for depleted, depleting, and undefined Tasmanian scalefish fisheries species.


1. Determine the benefits and limitations of alternative stereo-video methods to collect image-based fish size estimates, including assessing the effectiveness of length-monitoring to inform assessments of depleted/depleting and undefined commercial scalefish species.
2. Investigate image processing software for the implementation of a fully automated system for post-processing of stereo-video surveys using artificial intelligence and machine learning.
3. Compare length-frequencies of key scalefish species from fishery-dependent and independent survey datasets and length-based stock assessment methods.
4. Investigate novel sampling methods to collect length data of key scalefish species.
5. Conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analyses of traditional versus novel monitoring methods, including power to ensure the feasibility of implementing and incorporating novel methods into regular fisheries-independent monitoring and assessment outcomes.
6. Investigate the role of incorporating citizen science and include recreational fishers’ engagement in supporting cost-effective and novel fisheries-independent monitoring programs.

Sponsorship of the 2023 AMSA Conference - Science in Sea Country (Indigenous attendance)

Project number: 2022-211
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $10,000.00
Principal Investigator: Mibu Fischer
Organisation: Australian Marine Sciences Association Inc
Project start/end date: 14 Dec 2023 - 30 Jan 2024


The AMSA conference organisers understand the barriers that exist for Traditional Owners to attend the conference and is seeking sponsors to assist in the costs associated with attending a
national conference to allow opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People to engage in Sea Country research.

The 2023 conference builds off the success of the Cairns 2022 Indigenous workshop, and includes 3 Indigenous plenary speakers, 2 Indigenous symposia sessions and 2 Indigenous workshops.

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