476 results

NCCP: Communications program - 5 months

The present study, undertaken by Sefton and Associates Pty.Ltd., was developed to investigate according to the Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Strategy:  
Sefton and Associates Pty Ltd

Co-ordinating SAFS data provision - workshop

Project number: 2016-160
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $8,208.23
Principal Investigator: Nicole Stubing
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2017 - 29 Jun 2017


With the number of SAFS species set to increase to 200 by 2020, it will become increasingly more difficult and time consuming to conduct thorough integrity checks on all data fields in all chapters, meaning the data provision and integrity frameworks must be resolved ahead of time. Before the 2018 SAFS, a conversation around how to improve SAFS data provision, particularly how to account for confidentiality as well as anticipated timelines must occur. This workshop represents a conversation between both FSWG members and SAFS authors to best inform the direction to move towards in regards to SAFS data provision.


1. Establish a timeline in regards to SAFS data provision
2. Establish SAFS data provision framework (i.e. resolution, variables)
3. Garner FSWG support for SAFS draft chapter template/chapter template to take to SAFS advisory group

Recfishwest attendance at the World Recreational Fishing Conference in July 2017

Project number: 2016-140
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $10,000.00
Principal Investigator: Andrew Rowland
Organisation: Recfishwest
Project start/end date: 9 Oct 2017 - 29 Oct 2017


With an estimated 740,000 people enjoying recreational fishing in Western Australia every year the recreational fishing industry in WA is extremely important social and economic contributor to Western Australia.

The World Recreational Fishing Conference is being held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada from July 16-20 2017. The conference unites the global recreational fishing community providing an essential forum to discuss current research. Held every three years, this is the only international conference focused solely on recreational fisheries.

The conference theme this year is : Balancing Values - The Future of Recreational Fishing around the World and key issues that will be addressed include:

1. Use and challenges of catch & release fisheries
2. Understanding angler behavior through human dimensions and economics research
3. Fishers driving fish habitat outcomes
4. Genetic and genomic applications towards improved management practices
5. Management strategies, policy development and governance
6. Integrating social-ecological systems for sustaining fisheries
7. Monitoring and assessment of fisheries
8. Social and economic values of fisheries
9. Citizen science
10. Adaptive environmental management of fisheries
11. Reconciling stocking, management and conservation
12. Engagement of fishers in the management process
13. Recreational fisheries as complex adaptive systems
14. The role of recreation in global fisheries
15. Managing wild stock fisheries under uncertainty
16. Expanding fisheries in economies in transition
17. Allocation issues in fisheries: recreational, commercial, aboriginal, subsistence, artisanal

Western Australia faces many of these issues and learning's from the conference will be directly transferable to Western Australia. This project supports the People Development Drivers, Challenges and opportunities outlined in section 2.2 of the WA Research Advisory Committee RD&E Plan. The objectives of this project also address every one of the FRDC's People Development Program priorities.

more information about the conference can be found at http://www. http:/wrfc8.com/


1. Provide opportunities for knowledge transfer and R&D adoption, and best practice for WA fisheries.
2. Enhance industry leadership within, and across the recreational sector through exposing participants to international experts and through networking opportunities.
3. Build recreational sector capacity to drive change to achieve goals in WA
4. Build capability within the recreational sector workforce and further outcomes from previous FRDC investments in people development.

Determining the design, output specifications and sample size for a national social and economic survey of recreational fishers in Australia

Project number: 2016-126
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $125,156.00
Principal Investigator: Andy (Anthony) Moore
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 12 Oct 2017 - 27 Jun 2018


A national recreational fishing survey of social and economic contribution is proposed for 2017-18.

The recommendation of the 2015 scoping study for a national recreational fishing survey was to implement a phone-diary survey to deliver the multiple objectives of assessing recreational catch, effort and socio-economic information. Since the focus of the proposed survey has now shifted to specifically focus on the socio-economic aspects of recreational fishing there is a strong need to reassess the priority questions and data needs of key stakeholders relating to this objective and re-assess the most appropriate survey technique to deliver a statistically robust and stakeholder relevant socio-economic survey.
Note: extrapolation from small, unrepresentative, or biased sampling can lead to large errors in survey estimates and in recent times, certain recreational fishing surveys have produced questionable results due to such factors.


1. Identify agreed data needs and output specifications of a national socio-economic survey of recreational fishing
2. Review existing social and economic survey methodologies, with consideration of a broad range of recreational activities, including recreational fishing
3. Develop an appropriate survey framework to deliver the data needs and output specifications agreed in Objective 1
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