188 results

Seafood CRC: Addressing key aquatic animal health issues limiting production of Australian yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) and hatchery-reared southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) industries

Project number: 2008-711
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $290,167.63
Principal Investigator: Steven Clarke
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 29 Feb 2008 - 27 Feb 2011


Controlling flukes of YTK is a major cost for producers, and the industry has identified improving the treatment of flukes as one of the top research priorities. Currently, the industry bathes fluke-infested YTK in hydrogen peroxide. Although this approach is currently efficacious, it is also costly, labour-intensive, and stressful for fish. An option to reduce the need to bathe frequently is to use in-feed therapeutic agents to kill or remove flukes. This project aims to develop palatable feeds containing medications that will significantly reduce burdens of flukes.

Changing bio-fouled nets is another costly practice for the industry. Antifoulants have the potential to not only reduce the frequency and cost of net-changing due to the need to maintain good water flow bringing dissolved oxygen to the caged fish, but also to potentially reduce the numbers of fluke eggs entangling on the nets, and therefore further reduce the numbers of infective fluke larvae settling on YTK within cages. The optimum compound to use from an assessment of three will be identified.

Commercial YTK may have experienced slower growth at Fitzgerald Bay than at Arno Bay; the cause is suspected to be due the higher salinity (39-42 ppt at Fitzgerald Bay, compared with 37 ppt at Arno Bay). It needs to be confirmed experimentally whether increased salinity slows growth, first in summer and, if not, then in winter.

Health issues affecting hatchery-reared, larval SBT are presently unknown. Before production begins, the development of health protocols and a surveillance program is required, as well as the collection of archival samples of larvae for future investigations. These investigations not only ensure the biosecurity of the hatchery but also the sea-based growout stage, whether associated with hatchery-produced or wild-caught stock. This project will also allocate a small amount of funds for early disease testing, if required.


1. Review literature to establish best candidate in-feed medications and their dosages for the treatment of flukes, and then test the efficacy of selected in-feed medications in reducing burdens of gill and skin flukes on YTK in tank trials and in pilot-scale field trials. Determine the rate that residues of the most promising medication are cleared from fish, in accordance with APVMA requirements (Parts A-D).
2. Determine whether netting treated with antifoulants reduces the numbers of larval flukes settling on YTK and determine whether YTK absorb and retain residues of the most promising antifouling compounds (Parts F and G).
3. Establish program for 12-month routine monitoring of gill and gut pathology of YTK, and determine impact of special diet formulations on winter gut syndrome (Parts H, I).
4. Over the range of salinities experienced in Spencer Gulf, experimentally quantify the effects on performance (growth rates and apparent food conversion efficiency) and blood osmolality of YTK (Parts K, L).
5. Develop a health protocol for hatchery-reared larval SBT and preserve samples for future archival diagnostic analyses (Parts M, N).

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption

Project number: 2001-093
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $284,064.00
Principal Investigator: Mark S. Crane
Organisation: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2001 - 15 Aug 2004


Overseas experience demonstrates how diseases reduce profitability, sustainability and competitiveness of aquatic animal industries (for references see ATTACHMENT 6). Despite a rapid and continuous expansion in aquaculture, Australia has not experienced significant disease emergencies in farmed aquatic animal populations. However, pilchard mortality events in 1995 and 1998 have provided warning signals and demonstrated the need to increase our capability to respond to – and preferably prevent – aquatic animal disease outbreaks.

Since 1992, the FRDC as the biggest research investor has contributed more than $11million to over fifty projects related to aquatic animal health. Due to project diversity and cross-linkages to several FRDC Programs and existing Subprograms, well-facilitated project management is a fundamental requirement to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in delivering and extending results and would be facilitated by a dedicated Subprogram with its leader and supporting infrastructure.

With the development of a strategic R&D plan for aquatic animal health as a highest priority task, the Subprogram would contribute to preventing duplication of research, increase cooperation amongst researchers and thus achieve one of AQUAPLAN’s key priority objectives. It would thus underpin stability in aquatic animal health research and provide a greater level of service to research output beneficiaries.

The FRDC Subprogram would not only manage traditional R&D projects, but also develop Program Activity Plans and deliver projects under an AFFA/FRDC Agreement ([…] for the delivery of Program Activities under the Building of a National Approach to Animal and Plant Health program). FRDC will be advised by FHMC’s AQUAPLAN Business Group (ABG), chaired by ASIC and NAC, fulfilling the role of the Subprogram steering committee. Thus, the national approach can be developed in tandem to the R&D strategy, and guaranteeing links among the two. Significant components of the AQUAPLAN Workplan could be achieved.


1. Coordinate the FRDC Subprogram Aquatic Animal Health (project applications, workshops, communication) including the Program Activities funded under the AFFA/FRDC Agreement (Agreement between Commonwealth of Australia and Fisheries Research and Development Corporation ABN 74 311 094 913 for the delivery of Program Activities under the Building of a National Approach to Animal and Plant Health program).
2. Set strategic directions for aquatic animal health R&D in Australia.
3. Facilitate the dissemination of information on, and results from, aquatic animal health R&D.
4. Develop and implement a dedicated communication strategy for aquatic animal health R&D in Australia.

Final report


Aquafin CRC: feed technology for temperate fish species

The report is presented in two volumes Aquafin CRC – Feed Technology Temperature Fish Species: Volume 1: Feeding Strategies and Volume 2: Diet Development. The volumes share common background, need, overall objectives, benefits and adoption, further development, planned outcomes,...
NSW Department of Primary Industries

Optimising at-sea post harvest handling procedures for the pilchard (Sardinops sagax)

Project number: 2002-236
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $261,534.00
Principal Investigator: John Carragher
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2002 - 1 Aug 2006


Two factories that process pilchards for bait and human consumption have recently been established in Port Lincoln, however a large proportion of the current harvest is still used to feed caged tuna (Ward et al. 2000; Davidson et al. 2000).

Over the last two years, considerable progress has been made towards the development of a manufactured feed for tuna mariculture. Skretting Australia has obtained successful outcomes from a pilot scale commercial trial. Research is increasingly focussing on matters relating to refinement (improved acceptance, better conversion rates) rather than on the identification of suitable feeds (S. Clarke, SARDI, pers. comm.). Over the next 2-3 years it is expected that the commercial use of artificial diets will increase, with a concomitant decrease in the use of fresh/frozen pilchards. The Tuna Industry has recently discussed bringing a pelleting plant on line in Port Lincoln in 2004/05. Such developments will result in a contraction of the market for South Australian pilchards and may impede further development of the industry.

Future development of the South Australian pilchard industry must involve increased utilisation of inter-state and inter-national markets for recreational bait and human consumption (Ward et al. 2000; Davidson et al. 2000).

As South Australian pilchard fishing grounds are often located 12-24 hours steaming away from local ports (cf 2- 3 hours in WA), the quantity and quality of product supplied to processing factories and markets for bait and human consumption will be largely determined by nature and quality of the at-sea post-harvest handling procedures (Ward et al. 2000; Davidson et al. 2000).

This project will occur in three phases:

Phase 1 (a) An audit of the SA pilchard fleet to assess current practices, quantify on-board processing gear, determine the capacity for improving the latter and assess onshore facilities capacity to process pilchards.
(b) An assessment of the marketing issues as they relate to the capacity of the Industry to develop new processes/products.

Phase 2 Once these are completed, the following will be carried out to optimise the handling procedures used in the South Australian pilchard fishery:
(a) An investigation of the biological and ecological factors that affect the rates of deterioration in pilchard quality in the immediate post-harvest period (i.e. net to processing factory); and
(b) Development of options for alternative handling procedures that optimise pilchard quality and economic return.

To achieve these objectives, information is needed on spatial and temporal variation in the biochemical composition of South Australian pilchards, especially with regard to the lipid:protein ratio and the free fatty acid content. These components are useful indicators of fish condition and the deterioration rate in fish quality during post-harvest handling (Fitz-Gerald and Bremner, 1994, NSC project 6). Knowledge of the taxonomic composition and biochemical characteristics of the gut contents of the South Australian pilchard is needed as these factors have been shown to affect the rates of deterioration of planktivorous pelagic fishes in the immediate post-harvest period (Stenstrom, 1965, Goldberg and Raa, 1980, Dr Bjordal Asmund, Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, pers. comm..; Mr Ian Wells, Seafood Services Australia, unpub. data).

Phase 3
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the various processing options will have to be undertaken to assess the potential benefit of any changes in gear/practices. In order to do this a financial survey of licence holders, including measures of financial performance for the “average licence holder” will have to be carried out, and measures of economic performance of the fishery derived (i.e. gross value of production (GVP), economic rent, etc). This will be used to develop a model of the fishery linking biological and management parameters (CPUE, days fished, etc.) with the economic characteristics of the fishery. The model will be used to derive a baseline scenario, reflecting existing operator and fisheries management practices which will then be compared with scenarios reflecting the various processing options developed during the study.


1. To assess current on-board and on-shore processing practices and equipment used by the SA pilchard fleet and to determine the capacity for improvement.
2. To assess marketing issues as they relate to the capacity of the industry to develop new processes/products
3. To investigate biological and ecological factors that affect rates of deterioration in pilchard quality in the immediate post-harvest period.
4. To examine and compare the effects of at-sea post-harvest handling procedures on the rates of deterioration in pilchard quality.
5. To develop options for alternative handling procedures that optimise pilchard quality and economic return
6. To undertake a Cost-Benefit analysis of the various processing options including any changes in gear requirements and fisheries management requirements.

Final report

ISBN: 0-7308-5348-9
Author: John Carragher

Evaluation of Cobia and Giant Groper production and health in multiple growout systems, as an alternative species to farm in WSSV affected areas of South East Queensland

The report details the production performance and health performance of Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) and Giant Groper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) reared in tanks, ponds and cages within a farm in the previously white spot syndrome virus affected region of the Logan River, Queensland. Findings of this...
Rocky Point Aquaculture Company Pty Ltd

QX resistant oyster challenge trial 2005 - 2006

Project number: 2005-076
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $10,000.00
Principal Investigator: Ian Lyall
Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project start/end date: 29 Mar 2005 - 1 Oct 2007


To maintain 250,000 selectively bred QX resistant oysters on commercial oyster leases at three QX affected sites in the Hawkesbury River as identified by Dr Adlard. NSW DPI currently monitors levels of QX infestation at theses sites. The stock will be maintained by industry under the supervision of DPI and DPI will monitor growth and survival of the stock until the oysters reach harvest size.


1. To demonstrate under normal commercial practice the commercial viability of hatchery reared QX resistant Sydney rock oysters.
2. To transfer to industry handling technology for small oyster spat developed by DPI, necessary for the uptake of QX resistant oysters by industry.

Final report

Author: Ian Lyall
Final Report • 2008-07-21 • 479.11 KB


The Hawkesbury River is located approximately 50 km north of Sydney NSW. In 2003, the Hawkesbury River was the third largest Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata (SRO) producing estuary in NSW, with an annual farm gate production of $3.6M (10.1 million oysters).

The commercial production of SRO in the Hawkesbury River was based exclusively on the traditional intertidal stick and tray method of oyster farming.  This method of oyster production is reliant on the annual settlement of SRO larvae that occurs towards the mouths of estuaries during the summer and autumn months.  To take advantage of this natural oyster settlement, oyster farmers placed tar and cement coated oyster sticks on intertidal timber racks in early summer in areas known for reliable SRO settlement.  The following spring the oyster sticks caught with wild spat (juvenile oysters) are moved upstream to be on-grown on intertidal racks in areas away from further competing SRO settlement. Once the SRO have reached a suitable size they are removed from the oyster sticks by hand and placed on timber, mesh bottom, trays and returned to the growing areas where they remain until they reach a marketable size of around 50g whole weight (approximately 3.5 years of age).

Due to the high productivity of the waters of the Hawkesbury River and the historical reliability of the stick and tray method of production, Hawkesbury River oyster farmers had not seen any need to move away from their traditional farming methods towards single seed oyster farming technology that would enable them to take advantage of oyster seed stock produced by commercial oyster hatcheries.  Before 2003, hatchery production of commercial quantities of SRO was unreliable.  Hatchery production of SROs commenced in the early 1980s but has been plagued by recurrent mass mortality (>80%) of larvae and spat.  A Fisheries Research & Development Corporation (FRDC) project (Number 2003/209) commenced in 2003 with the aim of overcoming constraints to commercial scale hatchery production of SRO and developed techniques that have resulted in commercial hatcheries supplying the SRO industry with spat that are selectively bred for faster growth and disease resistance.

In mid 2004, QX disease was detected in the key major upstream SRO commercial oyster harvest areas in the Hawkesbury River.  QX disease, which is specific to the SRO, is: caused by the protozoan parasite Marteilia sydneyi (Wolf, 1979); highly virulent; and, often results in oyster mortalities in excess of 90%.  QX has led to the collapse of commercial oyster cultivation in a number of areas in NSW and southern Queensland.  Due to the poor visual meat condition of QX affected Hawkesbury River oysters and adverse publicity surrounding the disease outbreak, commercial sales of Hawkesbury River oysters quickly ceased.  By mid 2005, QX disease surveillance conducted by the NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI), in cooperation with Dr Rob Adlard of the Queensland Museum, indicated that the disease causing QX parasite had spread throughout the majority of the commercial farming areas in the Hawkesbury River system.  By this time most farmers were in serious financial difficulties and were retrenching staff.  Given the history of QX outbreaks in other estuaries, the Hawkesbury River oyster industry quickly recognised that oyster production based on the wild QX susceptible SRO was no longer viable.

Since the mid 1990’s, NSW DPI has been developing a breeding line of SRO that has been selected for fast growth and has demonstrated good resistance (>75% survival) to outbreaks of QX disease on commercial oyster leases under experimental conditions in the Georges River NSW (Nell and Perkins, 2006).  However, the commercial viability of this breeding line of QX resistant (QXR) SRO under Hawkesbury River commercial farming conditions was unknown.  Hawkesbury River farmers also expressed concern regarding the unknown marketability (i.e. possible poor visual meat condition) of the QXR SRO stock should it be grown in the heavily QX infested areas in the Hawkesbury River. They also had concerns as to their individual financial ability to invest in single seed technology which they believed was unproven under Hawkesbury River oyster farming conditions.

During 2005 a rescue package for the Hawkesbury River oyster industry was developed by NSW DPI that involved; the provision of $2,700,000 available to Hawkesbury River oyster farmers to assist them to remove and dispose of dead and dying stock and collapsing oyster encrusted infrastructure from their leases; and in cooperation with FRDC the provision of $10,000 to conduct a commercial farm proof of concept trial of QXR SRO developed under FRDC Project (Number 96/357).  Following a favourable environmental impact assessment, approval was also granted to Hawkesbury River oyster farmers to import and cultivate triploid Pacific oysters directly from the controlled environment of a Tasmanian commercial oyster hatchery.  Under the proof of concept trial, NSW DPI has made available approximately 200,000 QXR SRO spat to seven Hawkesbury River oyster farmers who expressed interest in an evaluation of the suitability of QXR SRO as an alternative oyster crop under normal farming conditions.  The spat were supplied to participating farmers in specialised single seed oyster trays developed and supplied by NSW DPI.  NSW DPI also provided ongoing technical advice and field assistance regarding the maintenance of the spat on commercial leases until the oysters could be transferred to traditional oyster growing tray systems used by oyster farmers.  Concurrently, NSW DPI maintained QXR SRO at three key QX infection sites with the cooperation of farmers.  

The QXR SRO were exposed to two consecutive QX infection events.  The QXR SRO demonstrated excellent survival and growth and maintained good marketable condition under both experimental and normal Hawkesbury River farming conditions.  The observed QXR oysters’ resilience to QX infection was reinforced by the fact that the QX parasite was not detected in the digestive gland of any of the oysters examined following visual meat condition assessments undertaken by Hawkesbury River oyster farmers following the QX infection events.  The marketability of the QXR SRO was demonstrated by the fact that the majority of QXR SRO held on prime Hawkesbury River fattening leases by participating farmers were sold by 24 months of age.  Participating farmers also had no difficulty in adopting small single seed management practices prior to transferring stock to the traditional tray growing technology used in the Hawkesbury River.  Hawkesbury River oyster farmers were also able to apply the principals of small single seed oyster management to the development of a flexible and cost effective floating bag single seed system for use on their leases. 

Keywords: Saccostrea glomerata, Marteilia sydneyi, QX, disease resistance, oyster, commercial production.

The dynamics and distribution of food supplies for the Sydney rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata) in southern NSW estuaries

Project number: 2004-224
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $73,926.25
Principal Investigator: Ana Rubio
Organisation: Australian National University (ANU)
Project start/end date: 30 May 2004 - 28 Feb 2007


A recent report by the Healthy Rivers Commission to the NSW Government has recommended that areas in estuaries suitable for the cultivation and safe harvesting of oysters should be identified and protected. Sydney rock oyster production in NSW and State wide average productivity (oysters/ha/y) has consistently declined since the late 1970’s despite the introduction of new technologies. The decline is not product demand-driven. Only one of the state’s 30 production estuaries shows an increasing trend in production over the past 10 years. The impact of diseases, acid sulfate soil drainage and the introduction of Pacific oysters into the Port Stephens estuary do not account for the overall decline. One hypothesis is that oyster production is decreasing because of limited food (seston) supplies. Oysters probably make up the largest fraction of the total biomass in NSW estuaries and process most of the primary production. Spatial variation in the quantity and quality of seston could limit cultured oyster growth. Farmers have identified the need to investigate oyster production decline and to identify food conditions required for optimum oyster growth and production. We propose to examine the components of seston, their spatial distribution and origin between oyster farming areas and their dynamics over time. The study will determine the spatial distribution of oyster growth rates in farming areas in response to resource availability and environmental conditions. This information will be used to assess the adequacy of food in estuaries, the identification of areas with optimal oyster growth rates and enable establishment of benchmark oyster growth rates for comparative analysis temporally and spatially. This will contribute to improving farming strategies and to identifying farming areas for protection. Oyster growth and food sources (which are intimately related to the concept of carrying capacities) in estuaries are a high priority in the ORAC 2000-2005 strategic plan.


1. To characterize the food supply for oysters in selected NSW estuaries (quantity and quality).
2. To determine the spatial distribution and dynamics of seston in selected NSW estuaries
3. To identify the source of matter that supports oyster production and understand the trophic interactions in the aquaculture oyster system.
4. To assess oyster growth rates in terms of seston and nutrient levels
5. To develop a predictive ecological-trophic coupled model of oyster growth and productivity
6. To predict oyster growth based on oyster density and mortality levels, and size, achieving sustainable production parameters for the oyster industry
7. To integrate the above with GIS to map areas in terms of scales of food limitations
8. To transfer the results to the NSW oyster industry

Final report

Author: Ana Rubio
Final Report • 2008-10-20


The primary outcome of this study has been to increase the understanding of the environmental drivers that influence the southern NSW Sydney rock oyster (SRO) industry, in particular in the Clyde and Crookhaven/Shoalhaven estuaries and to identify some of the factors that limit the production of SRO. Increased amounts of nitrogen and organic carbon are delivered by increased river flows following rain events and these were found to significantly enhance oyster growth in the two south NSW estuaries. During normal and/or dry conditions, the estuaries were nitrogen-limited suppressing primary production and, potentially, oyster growth. On the other hand, during heavy rain periods, large amounts of nitrogen entered the estuaries, which then became phosphorus-limited. Optimally an intermediate level of Nitrogen:Phosphorus ratio is desired for enhancing SRO production in the south coast of NSW so that neither nutrient is limiting.

An important outcome has been to identify the diet of the SRO in the Clyde River. Prior to this study, diet preferences for the SRO were assessed only under laboratory conditions and using a narrow range of food sources limited to some specific phytoplankton species. In this study a wider range of natural food sources were used as field experiments took place at the oyster cultivation grounds where oysters are exposed to a much wider array of food sources. Through the use of carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures it was found that seagrass’ debris, its epiphytes and seasonal filamentous green macroalgae played little part in the SRO diet in the Clyde River. However, benthic diatoms were the main contributors of the diet. In addition, the signature of mangrove debris was found to be within the isotopic SRO diet range. Consequently, resuspension processes reflecting wind, currents and water depth play an important role in making benthic food sources accessible to the oysters and thus in coupling benthic and pelagic processes.

Another outcome of this study has been the identification of oyster condition index as an useful indicator of oyster performance in terms of stocking densities in order to assess production carrying capacity levels in an area. Condition index levels were found to decrease with increasing stocking density even when there was no statistically significant trend in oyster growth. These experiments suggested that the lowest experimental stocking density in the tray experiment (1 kg / m2) produced oysters with the highest condition index, at certain times up to 16% higher than the other two experimental stocking densities (2 and 3 kg / m2). The difference in oyster performance during winter was much lower (1%) as a result of oysters spawning at the end of autumn and due to drops in temperature levels. A similar relationship between condition index and oyster density was found in floating cylinders at the Shoalhaven/Crookhaven River. At densities above 0.5 kg / per cylinder there was a consistent and significant drop in condition index. Stocking densities used in this project were lower than the typical stocking density level used in NSW cultivations except for the highest level. However, biomass gain increased with stocking density without reaching a plateau. If a plateau would have been reached this would have indicated there would not be any advantage in having higher stocking densities.

The above environmental drivers were incorporated into a computer model that combined the hydrology and nitrogen levels in the Clyde River. The model was used to investigate the consequences of changes in phytoplankton levels, as the main component of the diet, and oyster growth. The output of this model suggested that an additional food source– a carbon source – in addition to phytoplankton was needed to reach the observed growth rates and that the nutrient deliveries into the estuary from rain events played an important role in enhancing oyster growth. 

In addition, a series of simple environmental indices were investigated to assess the carrying capacity of areas or estuaries. The indices chosen are easy to calculate by oyster growers and they can give an indication of when the ecological and production carrying capacity are exceeded. 

The above outcomes contribute to the ecological sustainability of SRO farming by identifying an optimum level of stocking density under which growers could maximize condition index of SRO. Overall, mud flat habitats, due to the presence of large biomass of benthic diatoms mainly, have been identified as a key parameter for maximizing oyster growth due to their contribution towards the SRO food source. 


Oysters Australia IPA -workshop – identifying knowledge gaps for development of the native oyster aquaculture industry in South Australia

The 2015-229 “Oysters Australia IPA - workshop - identifying knowledge gaps for development of the native oyster aquaculture industry in South Australia” brought together oyster farmers, hatchery operators and scientists from across Australia to share their knowledge and experience with native...
SARDI Food Safety and Innovation

SCRC: PhD : Understanding penaeid prawn sex determination and developing monosex induction strategies for commercial application (Andrew Foote)

Project number: 2008-713
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Graham C. Mair
Organisation: Flinders University
Project start/end date: 29 Feb 2008 - 27 Feb 2011


This project will have significant impact on the industry as it will identify avenues for substantially improving farm profits by producing all-female populations. Production data from the Australian industry indicates sexual differentiation and maturation of Penaeus monodon (Giant Tiger Prawn) under commercial culture conditions occurs by 5 months of age, by which age females are on average ~30g and males are ~25g. This species is often harvested at even later ages by which time the size difference between females and males is even greater. As this project is focussed on improving pond yields it falls within the R&D priorities of the industry as outlined by the APFA

Relevant CRC Output(s) and Milestone(s):

Output 1.3 Removal or reduction of key production constraints in selected aquaculture systems

Milestone 1.3.1 New genetic tools and breeding strategies for genetic management and improvement of
at least two aquaculture species

(also refer to consultation and background)

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925983-13-5
Author: Andrew Robert Foote
Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

Final Report • 2012-12-01 • 959.34 KB


Domestication and selective breeding programs in a number of cultured penaeid shrimp species worldwide have substantially improved commercially desirable traits compared to wild stocks. Improvements in growth rates, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance and survival have been achieved in the important aquaculture species including Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus chinensis and Marsupenaeus japonicus. However, there are substantial economic investments associated with the development of genetically superior lines in breeding programs and the intellectual property associated with such lines requires protection in the absence of effective legal mechanisms. Various technical strategies have been developed to protect these genetic resources with limited success to date.

Currently, triploidy is the only method known to guarantee inhibition of reproduction in shrimp and thus confer genetic protection. In addition, triploidy can increase the proportion of females in some shrimp species which is commercially desirable, as females grow faster than males. Triploid F. chinensis, M. japonicus and P. monodon have been produced by inhibition of polar body I or II formation during meiosis. A number of treatment agents to induce triploidy in shrimp have been trialled, with greatest success achieved using chemical and thermal shocks. However, current triploid induction methods cannot produce triploids at high or absolute rates and are not practical for commercial adoption due to the challenges associated with treating entire spawnings and the high mortality associated with the necessary handling of fragile eggs and embryos.

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