188 results

SCRC: Seafood CRC: ‘WERA’ Industry Bursary 2008

Project number: 2008-707
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Roy D. Palmer
Organisation: Seafood CRC Company Ltd
Project start/end date: 20 Jan 2008 - 29 Jun 2008


This subject was suggested as an education and training priority at the Oyster Consortium meeting in Sydney March’07, was reaffirmed at the Oyster Consortium planning meeting in Hobart in September 07, and was broached again at the Shellfish Futures Conference in Hobart, Nov 07. Whilst Roy Palmer was in Rhode Island (on other business) he had a meeting with the Chair of WERA and obtained information which he put into a report that was circulated to the Oyster Consortium.
WERA objectives are
1. Provide a forum for geneticists, physiologists, nutritionists, biotechnologists and others interested in the aquaculture of molluscan shellfish to exchange ideas and information on molluscan genetics, reproduction, pathology, brood-stock management, breeding programs, hatcheries, husbandry techniques, and restoration strategies.
2. Develop protocols for the preservation of valuable genetic material for future use by researchers.
3. Maximise and co-ordinate research efforts among scientists on the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf coasts, USA, as well as international researchers.
4. Identify research needs for enhancement of commercial molluscan production through genetic improvement while maintaining environmental quality.
5. Evaluate different approaches for restoration of depleted stocks of native oysters.
6. Provide industry members with up-to-date research information that will lead to optimal brood-stock management and breeding programs to enhance commercial production.
7. Publish committee reports and documents.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9756044-1-0
Author: Tony Troup
Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Final Report • 2008-03-26 • 4.89 MB
2008-707-DLD Extended.pdf


Judd Evans and I attended the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish meeting on Sunday the 6th of April and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference, 6th to 10th of April, held in Providence, Rhode Island. We then travelled, via New York, to Newport, Oregon (the Hatfield marine Research Centre) and up to Shelton, Washington (Taylors’ Shellfish) visiting an oyster farm and a hatchery along the way. We returned home on the 18th of April. The following is a report, in diary form, of this trip.

Final Report • 2019-03-26 • 1.79 MB


The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America. France usually sends their top researchers to attend and this year Tony and I were invited to observe on behalf of the Australian oyster industry. I was impressed with the level of research being undertaken by the Americans although some areas of research struck me as lacking a commercial purpose or outcome. One example of this was a reference to a small study completed in conjunction with their breeding programme which asked both the public and oyster farmers what shell coloring most appealed to them, I believe the results came back that both parties preferred their shell coloring to be "just right" not to dark and not to white, they also liked the patterns on the shells to be well defined. It was then mooted that this could be achieved and might be incorporated into the breeding programme. I wonder where the profit might be in such research, I was to learn that American research is not geared towards the bottom line and return to industry like it is in Australia.

An area where we might become involved which would be of benefit would be in their genomics area, a lot of the information discussed was very much over my head from what I could understand, they were mapping the oyster genome and finding which genes were responsible for which characteristics and then finding if they could be "turned off" or "on" to get desired results in the breeding programme. This may have application for our own breeding programmes in that we can identify recessive genes, mark them and breed away or turn them "off" to enhance our selected lines.

Seafood CRC: Commercial production of all-female reproductively sterile triploid Giant Tiger prawns (Penaeus monodon): Assessing their commercial performance in ponds.

Project number: 2008-757
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $124,250.00
Principal Investigator: Melony J. Sellars
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 31 Jul 2008 - 29 Jun 2010


The Australian prawn industry needs a mechanism by which to confer genetic protection of seedstock with elite genotypes so that their commercial benefits can be made available to the entire domestic industry through the sale of elite seedstock for on-growing. To-date triploidy is the only available technology that is near commercialisation that provides a high level of genetic protection through reproductive sterility.

Triploidy has the added benefit of resulting in female populations, with females naturally growing larger than males. This attribute should provide further improvements on harvest yield beyond the performance provided from the elite genotypes alone. If this project demonstrates that total harvest yields are substantially improved through stocking triploids as predicted, triploid induction technologies will be of direct benefit to (and can be utilised by) the entire Australian industry as wild spawned females are also larger than males. This provides direct benefits to the industry independent of accessing the elite genotypes being produced by the four largest Australian prawn producers, providing immediate benefits for any Australian farm or hatchery producing seedstock.


1. To develop P. monodon triploid heat shock induction systems that allow all eggs spawned from any one female to be exposed to heat shock at the same time.
2. To determine the performance (growth, survival, reproductive sterility and sex ratio) of triploid P. monodon when reared at commercial farms in earthen ponds relative to that of normal diploids.
3. To develop commercially relevant P. monodon triploid induction protocols for the Australian industry that accommodate constraints such as a natural spawning cycle (e.g. not reversed light as with experimental stocks), proximity of heated water to spawning tanks and systems available to add heated water to apply the shock).
4. To transfer commercially relevant triploid induction technologies to one or more commercial hatchery.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-00-8
Author: Melony J Sellars
Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Final Report • 2012-05-04 • 2.68 MB


Several Australian companies currently have breeding programs producing domesticated and selective-bred Penaeus monodon lines. The most advanced of these lines have demonstrated high commercial pond performance over several generations. However, there is a risk for the breeding program companies, due to on-sale or on-rearing of their selected postlarvae. To avoid this problem, genetic protection for the selectively bred prawns is required; however, to-date there is no commercial method for fail-proof genetic protection of prawns. Triploid induction is the only methodology that has been trialled experimentally that shows promise of genetic protection in prawns. However, there are limited reports of triploid induction in Black Tiger Prawns and no studies have reared the larvae through to harvest age and conducted rigorous performance measurements for this species.

This project aimed to develop a technique that would be suitable for commercial triploid induction (which gives each individual an extra set of their own chromosomes; a process that occurs sporadically in nature) of whole spawnings of the Giant Tiger Prawn. A methodology was developed to induce whole spawn triploidy with temperature and chemical shocks. However, hatch rates from this system were consistently low. Despite this a chemical induced triploid family with a high induction rate and reasonable larval survival was produced at a commercial hatchery, allowing rigorous tank-based performance assessments to be carried out.

The overall performance of triploids was comparable to other penaeid prawn species with some exceptions. In triploids, survival was lower, and females were significantly larger. Furthermore, there were more males than females with a 1:1.625 sex ratio and reproductive age triploids were unable to produce viable offspring. This demonstrates that triploidy would provide the industry with a method of genetic protection for Black Tiger Prawns, however significant challenges in maintaining high hatch rates, survival rates and induction rates of the triploids when inducing whole spawnings on a commercial scale still remain.

Seafood CRC: improving hatchery production of Yellowtail Kingfish larvae and fingerlings

Project number: 2010-753
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $265,104.98
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Blair
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2010 - 4 Oct 2011


CST is moving to the capacity for a 5,000 ton per annum sustainable YTK business by 2020. To underpin this growth in the YTK industry it is critical that the hatchery production efficiency and quality of fingerlings produced are improved.

This project will direct investment in skilled personnel and resources to increase our understanding of critical factors that can be manipulated for improved yield of YTK juveniles and lower production costs by refined culture conditions to achieve reliably higher survival, higher swimbladder inflation rate and lower incidence of skeletal deformities.

The project fits within the Seafood CRC outputs and milestones, as follows, toward the outcome of a 'substantial increase in the production and profitability of selected wild-harvest and aquaculture species'.
1.1 (Output) Technically verified new aquaculture production systems on a commercial scale
1.1.2 (Milestone) Key researchable constraints identified and characterised in at least two new production systems
1.1.3 (Milestone) Key researchable constraints successfully addressed in at least two new production systems

Three significant issues were identified in YTK larval rearing over the last 3 years that present bottlenecks to hatchery production efficiency. These include:
1. low survival (potentially linked to high microbial load in live feeds and larval cultures, sinking of older larvae, variable temperature which is constrained by ‘outside’ rearing conditions under ambient natural sunlight)
2. low swimbladder inflation rates (associated with changed husbandry conditions; upwelling, mister fans, skimming efficiency, algae pastes, larval health/nutrition)
3. high rates of jaw deformity (potentially linked to quality and quantity of enriched rotifer and Artemia diets, temperature)

The project addresses all three issues, with a focus on applying results from previous research at medium and commercial-scales (light intensity and quality, and temperature, live feed regimes) and investigating larval nutrition and photoperiod at a small-scale.


1. To identify key factors which can be manipulated in the hatchery to increase Yellowtail Kingfish survival and swimbladder inflation rate (&gt
97% in 5g fingerlings in 2010), and reduce malformations
2. To identify key factors which can be manipulated to increase production of high quality rotifers
3. To rapidly apply research findings to production scale systems for Yellowtail Kingfish at Clean Seas Tuna

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925983-43-2
Author: Jennifer Cobcroft
Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

Final Report • 2013-04-09 • 1.40 MB


Clean Seas Tuna is the largest commercial hatchery producer of Yellowtail Kingfish fingerlings in Australia. Following three years of research (2007-2010) into larval rearing issues, the company still experienced variability in results between the two hatcheries, Port Augusta and Arno Bay, between runs within hatcheries, and between individually stocked larval tanks (even those stocked from the same egg batch).  2009 was particularly challenging compared to the previous two years with an increase in skeletal malformations (jaw deformity from 20-25% to > 50%), decrease in survival (from >10% to 8%), and decrease in swimbladder inflation (from 99% to 80%). This 1 year project built on and applied, at a commercial scale, the results of the previous projects (SfCRC 2007/718 and 2009/749). The project was designed to support improved Standard Operating Procedures and test promising alternative rearing conditions, identified in previous research (especially temperature and artificial light), at a medium-scale in Arno Bay and Proof-of-Concept (commercial-scale) in both hatcheries. Funding was requested to invest in skilled personnel, upgrade systems, support key national collaboration, and provide operational costs at partner organisations.

SCRC: Piloting Commercial Scale Supply of Mass Selected Sydney Rock Oysters

Project number: 2013-709
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Jane Clout
Organisation: Select Oyster Company Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 9 Jun 2013 - 29 Apr 2015


The recent Morten Rye Review of Australian Breeding Programs and their Commercialisation recognised NSW’ SRO breeding achievements as an ‘an excellent platform for full implementation of a highly effective family based, multi-trait selection program for SRO’ but recommended the following for SOCo & SRO:
• Development of a reliable hatchery technique for consistent high volume production of SRO spat, and a reliable source of supply which preferably should be a commercial hatchery: Work currently undertaken independently of SOCo
• Facilitate effective family based multi-trait selection (incorporating quantitative genetic advice)
o Prepare an operational breeding plan based on sound quantitative genetics and selection theory
o Establish effective data recording (nucleus and performance testing) and database management systems
• Establish a management team with the core responsibility to coordinate breeding program activities in close collaboration with PSFI and with technical input from a competent provider of quantitative genetic services (e.g. CSIRO).

NSW DPI is also looking to industry to progressively adopt management and self fund the current MSBP breeding program. Significant progress toward this goal has been achieved for the MSBP and the appointment of a manager and the divestment of routine operations of the program would signal industry’s acceptance of and commitment to the program and provide a strong incentive for DPI to continue to invest in pair mated program development.

For SOCo to achieve the aim set out in the review it must invest in program mechanics alongside private commercial investment in hatchery technique for SRO to address production barriers.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9756045-1-9
Author: Select Oyster Company P/L
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.
Final Report • 2015-05-19 • 1.47 MB


This project was developed to progress the long term commitment of both industry and research providers to providing lines of Sydney Rock Oyster selected for growth rate, shell shape and disease resistance, to farmers of this species. It progresses commercialisation outcomes and provides a platform for the delivery of outcomes of past and current CRC research projects.

This project aimed to:

  1. Develop protocols for broodstock management and perpetuation
  2. Develop improved communication with end users with regard to availability, properties and management of available selected stocks.
  3. Coordinate hatchery requirements with broodstock availability to improve supply.
  4. Develop human resources with shellfish specific experience
  5. Introduce selected broodstock into more multiplier hatcheries.
  6. Develop a platform to support delivery of outcomes of current research projects including the developing family breeding program.

SCRC: RTG: Hands-on operational experience and training at the Port Stephens Research Institute (PSRI) marine finfish hatchery, Port Stephens Fisheries Institute, Taylors Beach, NSW (Fisheries Technician: Trevor Borchert, DEEDI)

Project number: 2012-719
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Trevor Borchert
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Brisbane
Project start/end date: 27 Mar 2012 - 29 Sep 2012

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-54-1
Author: Trevor Borchert
Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Final Report • 2012-09-30 • 984.57 KB


This grant provided the opportunity to broaden both knowledge and practical skills through gaining experience with new species and hatchery techniques in a premiere aquaculture research facility. The grant recipient travelled to Port Stephens Fisheries Institute (PSFI) for one week from 19-24 August 2012, to gain hands-on operational experience and training under the guidance of NSW fisheries staff in hatchery procedures for Australian Bass, Snapper, Mulloway and Yellowtail Kingfish, and in the live feed production procedures developed by PSFI. During this period he assisted PSFI staff in undertaking an induced spawning of Australian Bass, larval-rearing of Australian bass for stock enhancement, live feed production of rotifers and Artemia, as well as assisting with broodstock management.

Both PSFI and Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) play a leading role in research, development and extension to the aquaculture industry in New South Wales and Queensland respectively, improving methods for hatchery production for sustainable aquaculture and business profitability and success. Broodstock management, live feed production and larval rearing are similar at both research facilities, with only minor differences in system design and hatchery protocols.

Seafood CRC: Review of commercialisation approaches and options for generic aquaculture genetics databases for Australian selective breeding programs

Project number: 2008-769
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $11,237.66
Principal Investigator: Nick A. Robinson
Organisation: Seafood CRC Company Ltd
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2012 - 31 Aug 2013


Aquaculture selective breeding companies established to service oyster (PO and SRO) and Barramundi industries in Australia are seeking advice on effective models for commercialisation, and a number of selective breeding companies in Australia have developed or are developing genetic databases which need to be supported, in the longer term, on a commercial basis.

There are very few organisations worldwide with extensive international experience in the commercialisation of aquaculture breeding programs who might be able to advise on commercialisation options. The industry needs somebody with these skills to recommend options for restructuring and organising the selective breeding programs in Australia so that they are more commercially viable.

It is unclear whether it is feasible to develop a generic database system that could be adapted to a range of breeding programs on different species and independent advice is required to review this issue and propose mechanisms to provide these services cost effectively.

There is a need to find cost effective genetic marker service providers.


1. To review current technical and business models for oyster, barramundi and prawn selective breeding programs in Australia
2. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
3. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
4. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9875953-1-7
Author: Morten Rye
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored
Final Report • 2013-10-23 • 939.06 KB



  1. To make recommendations aimed to facilitate the long term sustainability of the selective breeding programs in Australia
  2. To ensure that the process and progress of the review is communicated clearly and transparently to industry stakeholders
  3. To review options for the production of a generic selective breeding genetic database (go no-go decision subject to action plan)

Outcomes Achieved:

Options/recommendations for the commercialisation of these specific breeding programs leading to decisions on future directions and business plans for commercialisation of those programs have been presented to each of the sectors concerned. The review either directly or indirectly led to:

  1. New plans for the commercialisation of oyster selective breeding
  2. A new project to assess possibilities for the commercialisation of genetics services in Australia (led by CSIRO)
  3. Acceptance of a centralised selective breeding model by the barramundi industry and acceptance that alternative funding options for selective breeding need to be explored

Seafood CRC: increasing seedstock production of domesticated giant tiger prawns (Penaeus monodon) through improved male fertility

Project number: 2008-756
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $78,100.00
Principal Investigator: Greg Coman
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 31 Dec 2008 - 29 Nov 2010


Improving domestication of P. monodon is listed as the top R&D target within the APFA five-year plan (2007-2012). Improving fertility is listed as a key strategy for improving domestication.

If domesticated P. monodon broodstock can be produced economically at a commercial scale, Australian prawn farmers will be in a position to significantly improve farm yields and profitability through selective breeding. To date, P. monodon breeding programs have used both green-water pond systems and clear water systems for rearing domesticated broodstock; with the different systems having certain advantages and disadvantages. Developing protocols enabling a pond-rearing phase within the broodstock production cycle has potential to greatly reduce costs of broodstock production, allowing more companies to maintain domesticated lines and increase production of domesticated-selected seedstock throughout the industry.

In 2002, an APFA-lead research consortium carried out a series of FRDC-funded projects to establish a traditional family-based selection program largely using pond-rearing. However, throughout 2006 and 2007, problems with reproductive tract development and fertility of the pond-reared males significantly compromised the domesticated stocks within the program. In two successive generations across two different pond environments, the gonadal development and fertility of the pond-reared males was found compromised. This project aims to determine ‘if’ and ‘how’ a pond-rearing phase can play a role in producing commercially-viable numbers of P. monodon broodstock.

Seedstock production of broodstock reared in clear water systems has also consistently been constrained by low egg fertilisation. However, the effect that male fertility is having on egg fertilisation rates in clear water systems is not known. The proposed project aims to develop reliable means to evaluate male fertility, and practical measure/s of male fertility which can be used by industry. Such objective measures of male fertility will enable male constraints to seedstock production to be identified and overcome.


1. Determine whether assessments of spermatophore development and sperm count must be standardised to the moulting cycle to allow accurate evaluation of male fertility.
2. Determine whether male fertility at the time of mating can be predicted by earlier fertility assessments (i.e. months prior to mating).
3. Determine whether sperm count and/or morphology are objective measures (estimators) of male fertility.
4. Develop practical and predictive means to evaluate male fertility that can be used by industry (using outcomes of objectives 1, 2, 3).
5. Determine whether the reproductive development and health of tank-reared males differs significantly when males are fed a ‘typical’ pond diet with or without being exposed to a short term low temperature stress compared to males fed a ‘typical’ broodstock diet with or without being exposed to a short term low temperature stress.
6. Determine whether the reproductive development and health of males differs significantly when males are reared in outdoor ponds at different densities
transferred from ponds to tanks at different ages, and
in tanks maintained under ideal broodstock-rearing conditions from juvenile to adult.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-83-1
Authors: Greg Coman Brian Paterson Stuart Arnold Roger Chong David Mann Jeff Cowley Andrew Wood
Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

Final Report • 2010-11-30 • 1.71 MB


Given the rationale that pond systems are likely the most cost-effective system for large-scale production of Giant Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) broodstock, this project aimed to determine whether pond-rearing poses a significant risk for broodstock production.

The gross reproductive development of males reared in low-density broodstock ponds was found comparable to sibling males reared in controlled-environment tanks. Furthermore, none of the environmental 'stressors' and dietary manipulations examined impacted on male reproductive tract development. Thus, within the boundaries of the parameters tested, we can state that rearing of male broodstock in low-density ponds does not pose inherent risks of gross reproductive tract impairment.

The project also focused on developing an objective measure of 'male fertility' that could be used commercially; and which could be employed within a monitoring regime. None of the simpler assays, which have typically been used as 'proxy' measures of male fertility, were found to correlate with egg fertilisation rates. One assay that was tested, evaluated levels of 'activation' of 'matured sperm' exposed to 'egg water' (EW-AR assay) and this activation correlated with egg fertilisation. Therefore, this provides a reliable measure of male fertility. However, whilst providing an objective measure, this assay is not straightforward to implement commercially; and certainly the applications of this measure are likely restricted. Importantly, an overall approach to long-term monitoring of stocks is suggested; this approach incorporating application of simpler spermatophore/sperm assessments and the EW-AR assay at different points throughout broodstock rearing and at stocking of the hatchery.

During the project, a previously undescribed abnormality termed 'hollow sperm syndrome (HSS)' was observed through histology. Whether the presence/prevalence of such abnormal sperm impacts egg fertilisation rates negatively is not yet known; and further research is thus required to establish its commercial importance

SCRC: Yellowtail Kingfish genetics: commercialisation strategies

Project number: 2013-700
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Abigail Elizur
Organisation: University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)
Project start/end date: 14 Apr 2013 - 14 Apr 2015


Clean Seas Tuna are now focusing on YTK and genetics is a key to enhancing the commercial success of YTK production. Not only will a successful genetics program lead to improvements in the quality of the fish and profitability of the program, it will also open an opportunity for the sale of genetically improved seed both nationally and internationally. For a successful and enduring YTK genetics program we need:

1. To use the genetic program to promote the CST business of fingerling sales nationally and internationally.
Over the last few years, CST has sold YTK fingerlings to overseas buyers. This market is embryonic
and its full potential not explored. As a unique holder of genetically selected stock which is raised in
pristine conditions, CST are interested to explore how the genetically selected stocks can be used to
promote international sales of YTK fingerlings. The following are needed to support this ambition:

1.1 Documentation of the production and commercial value of the genetically improved stocks locally
and overseas via international collaborations

1.2 The design and production of publicity materials (websites/ brochures) explaining the genetic
program and its value

1.3 The design of genetic protection to ensure fingerlings sold are used for grow out and are not suitable to be used as elite broodstock elsewhere

2. Fully Integrate the genetic program with industry operations:
The present YTK genetic project currently operates with specialist and ongoing input from broodstock biologists, genotypers, quantitative genetics and project leaders. While web resources have been put in place to handle the flow and interconnection of the information and data, these arrangements were better suited for the development of a genetic program rather than its long term operations integrated with industry. There is a need to develop a raft of support materials, such as plans, data storage, and data analysis tools to permit the genetic program to operate smoothly within the industry environment. There is potential to integrate this component of the work with legacy project 2012/757 if the latter should go ahead

3. Ensuring the genetic program attains international best practice in rate of genetic improvement

We can enhance the present YTK genetic program in terms of dividend per year:

3.1 Presently, CST have been using 4-5 year old female YTK to spawn which substantially retards the rate of
genetic response per year (modelling shows contracting generation time is the most effective way to
accelerate yearly genetic gain). Therefore there is a need to develop the technologies to shorten the
generation time to speed up per year selection response

3.2 Optimize selection response while minimizing inbreeding

3.3 Maximize the accuracy of selection (using information from relatives and genomic information)

4. Capture and sustain genetic diversity in the long term
The initial economic and production imperative was to move CST YTK to all production based on selected F1 or F2 animals. This was achieved in project 2010/768 and while this project met the go / no go requirement of an effective population size of 40 (limiting long term inbreeding to about 1%) , there are insufficient families being produced to do much between family selection (culling of whole poor families).

4.1 CST only has sufficient families to permit within family selection. 16 males and 17 females have contributed to the next generation, and while there are dozens of different families, the effective population size is fractionally low to sustain inbreeding rate of less than 1%, adding and keeping the equivalent of five families will bring the long term inbreeding rates to below 1%. This will also help promote the long term sustainability of the genetic program in terms of inbreeding and maintaining genetic diversity. In addition, we will introduce advanced statistical tools such as optimal genetic contribution theory to maximize genetic gain while minimizing inbreeding to sustain genetic progress in kingfish.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9751913-4-7
Authors: Wayne Knibb Abigail Elizur Josephine Nocillado and Adam Miller
Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

Final Report • 2015-04-01 • 1.18 MB


Previously, we have implemented a selective breeding program for Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) and today all production is based on genetically selected stock, which is up to 20% superior than the wild stock.

This current project focuses on whether realized selection response was achieved and adds:

  1. further families to the pedigree
  2. facilities (broodstock tanks) to the program
  3. data management and long term planning
  4. new DNA microsatellite markers for pedigree assignment
  5. measures the genetic improvement at up to 20%

Today, CST is the only kingfish production company with a genetic program that has progressed beyond breeding the first generation yet maintained diversity. Present CST is in the unique position of having well advanced F2s and soon will have F3s in production.

We have produced recombinant FSH and demonstrated it acts to promote gonadal development in YTK

SCRC: Population genetic structure of Sea Cucumbers (bêche-de-mer) in Northern Australia

Project number: 2008-733
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Mike Gardner
Organisation: Flinders University
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2008 - 29 Jun 2011


There is a broad need for population discrimination and dispersal information for the long term viability of both the wild harvest fishery and for the successful development of a sustainable sea ranching program. Internationally sea cucumber fisheries have shown themselves to be vulnerable to over fishing if not effectively managed. With little or no information on stock delineation or population dispersal, successful management must rely on very risk adverse management measures. This greatly limits the viability and productivity of the commercial wild harvest fishery. Also continuing long term to manage the stock on the assumption that it is a single entity poses considerable environmental risk if this management assumption is wrong. Understanding the population structure of H. scabra will allow for the development of far more specific management controls and also inform industry in relation to managing fishing programs towards efficienct and sustainable production. Successful management of the wild harvest fishery long term is dependent on identifying the stocks being managed.

Tasmanian Seafoods is the current sea cucumber licensee in the Northern Territory and is committed to
the development of H. scabra aquaculture and sea ranching. In addition to the fisheries management objectives outlined above there is a recognised need to understand the population genetic structure of H.scabra from the currently fished areas in order to inform the planned restocking program as part of the sustainable management of the fishery. This will ensure that the genetic structure of wild populations is taken into account when releasing hatchery produced progeny into the wild populations and is reflected in an appropriate genetic management strategy for hatchery stocks.

Accurate information on dispersal and population isolation will be crucial to the effective management
and development of the industry, and to protect genetic integrity if genetically divergent localised
populations exist along the N.T. coastline.

Final report

ISBN: 0-9805789-7-3
Authors: M.G. Gardner A.J. Fitch and X. Li
Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Final Report • 2011-06-30 • 782.17 KB


Sandfish (Holothuria scabra), a commercially important species of Sea Cucumber, are fished off the northern Australian coast. Elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, where they are commonly fished, they have been found to be particularly vulnerable to over-exploitation. Currently, as little is known about their biology and population structure, they are fished off the Northern Territory using conservative methods, by limited access, area restrictions based on an arbitrary line on the water and trigger limits based on historical data. With a view to improving their management and the sustainability of the fishery, a propagation and stock enhancement program is under development. Basic research including knowledge of the population genetic structure is required to enable informed decisions on the sustainable management of existing fisheries and to develop appropriate policies and strategies for the ranching program planned by Tasmanian Seafoods.

Seafood CRC: development of formulated diets for cultured abalone

Project number: 2010-736
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $218,931.71
Principal Investigator: David A. Stone
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 14 Nov 2010 - 30 Dec 2013


It is estimated that 1000 tonnes of formulated feeds are used to achieve the current level of production. Feed is considered as the major variable cost (up to 30%) associated with abalone production (Mr Justin Fromm, personal communication), so minor improvements in feeds or feed efficiency may result in large improvements in productivity. There are currently four feed manufacturers supplying the abalone grow-out sector and each feed company typically offers one formulation of feed for the entire ~2.5 year production cycle of greenlip or hybrid abalone. It is common practice in other sectors of the livestock industry to use a range of different diet formulations throughout the production cycle to satisfy the requirements of animals of different life stages. It is also well established that in the wild abalone have at least two distinct feeding strategies as they develop with young cryptic abalone grazing on epiphytic organisms whilst older animals feed on macroalgae. Improvements in commercial feeds formulated for abalone, specifically for different life stages and/or water temperatures (seasonal/inter-annual/climate change), are likely to deliver improvement in weight gain per unit cost across an entire grow out period.

As a result of a recent R & D planning meeting held by AAGA, other industry participants, AS CRC and research providers, the AAGA perceive that the current commercial abalone feeds do not contain the required nutrient combinations to meet the genetic potential for growth. Australian abalone feed producers have based dietary formulations on information from previous FRDC funded projects. The information from the FRDC projects, including a range of ingredient nutrient availability and nutrient requirement data, resulted in the standard of Australian abalone feeds surpassing Japanese abalone feeds (considered as the benchmark at the time). AAGA have identified research in this area to be their highest priority within the AS CRC.


1. To detemine optimum protein and energy requirements for small greenlip and hybrid abalone at different temperatures
2. To detemine optimum protein and energy requirements for larger greenlip and hybrid abalone at different temperatures
3. To develop and test starter feeds and improved grow-out feeds for greenlip and hybrid abalone in commercial settings
4. To develop an on-farm grow-out trial research protocol manual.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-921563-68-3
Authors: David A.J. Stone Matthew S. Bansemer and James O. Harris
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
Final Report • 2015-02-09 • 1.87 MB


The key research findings described in this project addressed the two highest research priorities identified by the Australian Abalone Grower' Association (AAGA) in 2009, prior to the commencement of this project.:

  1. Improve our understanding of the effects of seasonal water temperatures on the growth of abalone; and
  2. Improve our understanding of the effects of dietary protein on the growth of abalone

Members of the AAGA were interested in determining if multi-diet feeding strategies designed specifically to provide the optimum dietary protein level to the abalone in response to animal age and seasonal fluctuations in water temperature improve production. Additionally, the planned overall outcome from tis project was to develop commercial diet formulation and feeding strategies that deliver a >10% improvement  in productivity across an entire grow-out period for greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and hybrid abalone (H. laevigata x H. rubra). To achieve this outcome, a series of laboratory-based experiments were designed to improve our understanding of the optimum dietary protein levels for greenlip abalone and also characterise the growth and feed utilisation of greelip abalone of different age classes at a range of seasonal temperatures (14-22oC) representative of those experienced by abalone in land-based facilities in southern Australia (Chapters 2 and 3). This information was then used to design and run three commercial on-farms trials at the Great Southern Waters, Costal Seafarms and Kangaroo Island Abalone (Chapters 4 and 5). The on-farm trials comprised a series of three long-term (>18 months) studies, using commercial culture practices, to evaluate the growth, feed utilisation and survival of greenlip and hybrid abalone using two different feeding strategies:

  1. Single-diet feeding strategy: the current production method of feeding one standard protein for the entire trial
  2. Multi-diet feeding strategy: fed a sequential combination of "high protein"/"low protein" grow-out diets for the entire trial.
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