750 results

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: Identifying the cause of Oyster Oedema Disease (OOD) in pearl oysters (Pinctada maxima), and developing diagnostic tests for OOD

Project number: 2013-002
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $262,968.20
Principal Investigator: David Raftos
Organisation: Macquarie University
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2013 - 29 Jun 2016


Pearl oyster farming is one of Australia's most successful aquaculture industries, with substantial scope for future growth. Recent data suggest that the pearling industry generates approximately $100 m pa and provides significant employment opportunities in remote areas of Australia. Despite its remarkable success, the viability of Australian P. maxima pearling is compromised by a fatal disease (oyster oedema disease, OOD). If OOD is not controlled, the industry is unlikely to develop as efficiently and cost effectively as required. In some areas, the disease is making it difficult to restock growing areas with hatchery reared spat, and it is significantly decreasing the number of oysters available to produce pearls. OOD also appears to be impacting wild P. maxima populations.

The proposed project is the first step in developing an integrated management strategy to control OOD in the Australian pearling industry. Some progress has been made in studying the disease. We suspect that OOD is initiated by an infectious virus associated with secondary bacterial infection. But we still do not understand:

1. the precise causative agent(s) of OOD, or,

2. how to provide early diagnosis of the disease

These gaps in our knowledge mean that industry does not have sufficient information to establish effective management strategies that can control OOD. Most importantly, we need diagnostic methods to detect the onset of disease before catastrophic outbreaks occur. Such tests could be used to identify disease-free broodstock for hatcheries, find areas where OOD is less prevalent, determine environmental factors that might be associated with infection, and manage the translocation of OOD-affected oysters. Our project addresses these needs in order to identify management practices that can be used to control OOD and secure the Australian pearling industry.


1. REVISED PROJECT OBJECTIVE 1. Identify the presence of nucleotide sequences associated with OOD affected oysters using a next generation sequencing approach
1. SUPERCEDED OBJECTIVE 1: Identify the presence of any pathogens associated with OOD-affected oysters using a next generation sequencing approach.
2. SUPERCEDED OBJECTIVE 2: Investigate the association of the pathogens detected by next generation sequencing with the severity of disease in P. maxima using a combination of quantitative (q) PCR, pathology and histopathology (including in situ hybridisation).
2. REVISED PROJECT OBJECTIVE 2: 2. Use quantitative real time PCR to measure the prevalence of these nucleotide sequences in a broad range of oyster samples
3. SUPERCEDED OBJECTIVE 3: Develop diagnostic tests that can detect and identify the causative infectious agent(s) of OOD

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-96779-0
Authors: Priscila Goncalves David Raftos David Jones Kelli Anderson Brian Jones & Michael Snow
Final Report • 2017-02-01 • 4.26 MB


The goal of this project was to investigate the cause of oyster oedema disease (OOD) in Australian pearl oysters so that diagnostic tests and management practices for the disease can be developed. OOD has been associated with mortalities in some pearl oyster farming areas. However, the cause of these mortalities has remained unknown, hampering efforts to study the disease and develop effective control strategies. The project described in this report was conducted by researchers from Macquarie University, Fisheries Western Australia and the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (Manatū Ahu Matua), working in collaboration with the Australian Pearl Producers Association and the Australian pearling industry. We compared OOD-affected oysters with healthy control oysters to identify any genetic material in the OOD-affected oysters that might come from an infectious agent such as a virus, bacteria or parasite. Our logic was, if OOD is caused by an infectious agent, genetic material (cDNA nucleotide sequences) from that infectious agent should be far more abundant in OOD-affected oysters than in healthy controls. That genetic material would act as a fingerprint for the disease and may provide information about its cause. We found clear differences between the nucleotide sequences present in oysters affected by OOD when compared to healthy controls. A number of nucleotide sequences were strongly associated with OOD and the abundance of some of these sequences was correlated with increasing mortality. None of these nucleotide sequences were closely related to any known infectious agents. However, the strong relationship between these sequences, OOD and mortality means that they may be very useful predictors of mortality. Their lack of resemblance to known infectious agents leaves open the possibility that OOD is not an infectious disease and may have some other cause.


Aquatic Animal Health and Biosecurity Subprogram: Comparative pathogenicity of exotic acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) and the presumptive bacterial hepatopancreatitis detected in farmed Penaeus monodon in Queensland

Project number: 2016-013
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $131,106.00
Principal Investigator: Nicholas J. Moody
Organisation: CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Project start/end date: 3 Jul 2016 - 14 Dec 2017


Australian prawn production, forecast at 24 kilotonnes in 2014/15, is valued at >$310 million. The prawn fishery is an important natural resource that supports a substantial export industry. Prawn aquaculture in northern Australia accounts for approximately 20% of the total volume of Australian production. The new, emerging disease syndrome, characterised by hepatopancreatitis and mortalities in farmed P monodon, was first reported in north Queensland in early 2015. The disease was again detected in late 2015 and emerged in central Queensland in early 2016. The disease in two prawn farming regions in Queensland is ongoing. While there are similarities with the emerging disease in central and north Queensland with exotic AHPND, the following important information is still unknown:

1) what is the variability (if any) in host bacterial strains associated with the AHPND toxin genes in diseased prawns in Queensland, particularly between the two different regions currently affected?

2) what is the pathogenicity of Australian bacterial isolates containing the AHPND toxin genes to P. monodon and P merguiensis how does this compare to disease caused by exotic AHPND isolates?

3) the preliminary WGS analysis needs to be repeated/confirmed using a more stringent and advanced platform.

This project will characterise the causative agent(s) and hepatopancreatitis disease in Australian farmed P. monodon. This information is critical for the prawn industry, policy-makers and regulators in order to respond to the disease. The Project aligns with Key Research Area 6.2.1 of the FRDC AAHS R&D Plan “Knowledge about new and emerging infectious diseases”.


1. Compare the pathogenicity of exotic AHPND and the presumptive bacterial hepatopancreatitis in Penaeus monodon and P. merguensis.
2. Compare the pathology caused by exotic AHPND and the presumptive bacterial hepatopancreatitis in Penaeus monodon and P. merguensis.
3. Determine the whole genome sequence of the Vibrio harveyi strain from farmed Penaeus monodon and P. merguensis presumptive bacterial hepatopancreatitis.
4. Optimise, evaluate through inter-laboratory testing and then implement improved diagnostic tests for the Pir toxin gene.

Studies on toxic dinoflagellates responsible for formation of ciguatoxin

Project number: 1982-060
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 27 Jun 2000 - 30 Jun 2000


1. Determine how populations of ciguatoxin, Gambierdiscus toxicus, vary spatially & seasonally in coral reef areas
2. examine relationship between crown-of-thorns starfish and G. toxicus
3. grow organism in pure culture
establish factors influencing toxin prod

Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram: Development of stable positive control material and development of internal controls for molecular tests for detection of important endemic and exotic pathogens

Project number: 2014-002
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $172,185.00
Principal Investigator: Nicholas J. Moody
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2014 - 29 Jun 2016


Quality assured positive control material is critical to demonstrate an assay has performed as expected. Similarly, testing for internal control material ensures extraction procedures produced template of acceptable quality, free of test inhibitors. Both types of controls are particularly important where the samples are being tested to demonstrate freedom from disease (i.e. are negative).

One internal control target is the 18S ribosomal RNA gene. However, assays targeting 18S need to be optimised if multiplexed, 18S is ubiquitous (negative control reactions can test positive) and 18S is not applicable for crustacean samples. Other targets include genes of the host organism, which are often limited to a single species, and are an option that will be investigated for priority species. Plant viruses enable development of one internal control assay for RNA and one for DNA. Optimisation of each assay would still be required if multiplexed, one internal control and one set of primers/probe for any assay reduces costs, eliminates 18S contamination issues and is applicable for all hosts (i.e. finfish, mollusc, crustacean).

Synthetic RNA and plasmid DNA positive controls enable accurate quantification of targets, control over the level of positive template (i.e. added at levels approaching the limits of detection of the assay), are consistent and greatly aid troubleshooting when contamination occurs. They also eliminate the need to source infected animals for positive control material. AFDL implements OIE, EU and/or ANZSDPs for diagnostic assays, reducing the risk of test changes requiring redevelopment of positive controls, which are limitations of synthetic and plasmid controls.


1. Produce quantified synthetic RNA positive control material for conventional and real-time RT-PCR assays, available on request.
2. Produce quantified plasmid DNA positive control material for conventional and real-time PCR assays, available on request.
3. Optimised universal internal control based on plant viral RNA and DNA and/or species-specific genes for use in molecular assays developed and implemented
4. Technology transferred and adopted by participating laboratories.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925994-19-3
Authors: Moody NJG Cummins DM Mohr PM Williams LM Hoad J Valdeter S Klein R Slater J and Crane MStJ
Final Report • 1.94 MB


This project has resulted in the production of a bank of quality-assured, non-infectious, quantifiable, molecular test controls that can be provided to any diagnostic laboratory in a ready-to-use form to assist them with the implementation of specific aquatic animal disease diagnostic tests. In addition, these controls will be useful in the diagnostic laboratory quality systems to demonstrate laboratory competency.

Thirty-two positive control plasmids (22 for real-time assays and 10 for conventional assays) have been prepared and are in routine use. A further 10 plasmid positive controls (8 for real-time assays and 2 for conventional assays) are undergoing final quality checks prior to release for routine use. Therefore, a total of 42 plasmid positive controls for 25 different pathogens have been generated as a result of this project.

Their most important use is as positive controls during diagnostic testing. Because these controls are distinguishable from the pathogens’ genomic nucleic acid, they will assist in identification of cross-contamination between the positive control samples and the diagnostic samples and thus will mitigate against the reporting of false-positive results that occur due to contamination of test samples with positive controls.

In addition, T4 and QBeta phages have been evaluated as heterologous internal positive controls for DNA and RNA targets, respectively, for use in establishing that generic aspects of PCR testing (e.g. nucleic acid extraction and absence of PCR inhibitors) are performing as expected. Implementation of the use of the T4 and QBeta phages as internal positive controls has improved the quality of molecular testing, through more sensitive assessment of the effect of PCR inhibitors and confidence in results generated when testing atypical samples (i.e. plankton, dirt, feed).

The use of these controls in diagnostic testing will assist diagnostic laboratories to monitor the performance of current methods and assist with technology transfer of new methods. This will, in turn, provide laboratories, industry, regulators (managers and policy makers), the general public and trade partners with enhanced confidence in Australia’s diagnostic capability for important exotic and endemic aquatic pathogens.

Staying Healthy: Industry organisations’ influence on behaviours and services used by fishers

Project number: 2012-402
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $98,308.00
Organisation: Deakin University Geelong Waterfront Campus
Project start/end date: 19 Jun 2012 - 4 May 2014


Research has found that fishers are subject to a multitude of stressors, including those relating to government policies and co-management challenges, a fluctuating market place, crew cohesion and on-shore social relationships, and the pressures of working in a dangerous workplace. Compounding the well-known physical dangers associated with the fishing industry, these factors all place pressure on fisher mental wellbeing, which in turn contributes to issues such as clinically diagnosed anxiety disorders, poor eating habits and substance abuse, eg, evidence from around the world suggests that the particular stresses of fishing contribute to higher than average rates of smoking among fishers.
Findings from the RIRDC-funded project Staying Healthy: Behaviours and services used by farmers and fishers indicate that while participants from certain farming industry areas have benefited from industry involvement in health and wellbeing, including in relation to mental health, fishers are less likely to report that industry associations have helped them access health and wellbeing information or programs. Some farmers described significant lifestyle changes after participating in programs that were promoted, sponsored or facilitated by trusted industry organisations. As well, recent research (Brooks, 2011, Health and Safety in the Australian Fishing Industry, RIRDC, Canberra) has found a lack of awareness of occupational health and safety among fishers. The Research Audit of Social Sciences Fisheries Research (Clarke, 2009) noted research findings that social wellbeing is related to financial wellbeing, and that social networking is negatively affected by working hours, suggesting a place for an industry specific approach to social connection and mental health. There appears to be a broking role for industry groups and organisations in enhancing the health of the fishing workforce. This project will identify strategies for industry and fishing community organisations to take on this role in effective, but cost and resource efficient, ways.


1. to explore how industry supports fisher physical health and mental wellbeing
2. to develop and trial a set of case studies and best practice guidelines for industry organisations in enhancing fisher health and wellbeing in collaboration with industry, fishing communities and health stakeholders
3. to evaluate the case studies and best practice guidelines

A survey of the incidence of ciguatoxin in "high risk" fish from the Cairns region

Project number: 1982-033
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Mike Capra
Organisation: University of Queensland (UQ)
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1983 - 31 Dec 1983


1. To assess the incidence of ciguatoxin in red bass Lutjanus coatesi and Chinaman fish symphorus nematophorus from the Cairns region
2. Accumulate toxic fish for subsequent extraction and purification of ciguatoxin

Mercury content of tropical sharks

Project number: 1983-055
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Richard Slack-Smith
Organisation: Department of Industry Tourism and Trade
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1984 - 31 Dec 1984


1. Sample up to 1000 sharks of various spp for total mercury content
determine alkyl mercury levels in approximately 150.
2. Examine effects of sex, length, locality on levels. What implications for future of this shark fishery?
3. Sample up to 200 sharks for selenium content

Final report

Author: Dr. J.M. Lyle
Final Report • 1984-12-31 • 1.86 MB


Total mercury, alkyl mercury and selenium concentrations in the muscle tissue of several species of pelagic sharks from northern Australian waters are reported. Mean mercury concentrations ranged between O .13 mg /kg for Carcharhinus brevipinna and 1. 94 mg/kg for C. amblyrhyn choides. Maximum values exceeded 1.5 mg/kg in nine of the species studied and the highest recorded concentration was 3.7 mg/kg for Sphyrna mokarran.

Mercury concentrations were highly dependent on the size of shark, a relationship that was adequately represented by the power function. Males of most of the species studied had significantly higher levels of mercury than females of similar size.

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