Project number: 2008-741
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Tom Ross
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 30 Nov 2008 - 30 Dec 2011


The European Union (EU) regulations allow for a virus standard (regulation) to be introduced, and it is envisaged that when the EU norovirus method has been standardised (currently being undertaken through CEN) the EU will implement end product virus testing (estimated to be introduced by 2012). Other countries (e.g. Singapore and Japan) already require importing countries to have norovirus testing programmes in place and seafood companies are more frequently requiring shellfish to be certified as ‘norovirus free’.

Australia has limited capability to test for human enteric viruses (specifically norovirus) in shellfish, thus the implementation of such regulations could have significant economic consequences in terms of potential market loss, and expensive testing through other countries laboratories. There is a need for Australia to have domestic virus/shellfish testing capability and expertise in order to minimise potential trade disruption as norovirus standards/regulation is increased globally.

Population pressure on coastal resources is increasing and this may lead to an increase in contamination of shellfish growing areas with human waste and viruses – this in turn may result in more frequent closures of production areas with significant economic consequences for the shellfish industry. This PhD project will provide baseline tools for Australia that will enable risk managers and the industry to better investigate virus pollution events and will contribute to improved management strategies for viruses. This may help to minimise the economic ramifications to the shellfish industry of increasing virus pollution events. Additionally, ‘virus-free’ certification through the utilisation of new analytical methods would generate competitive advantage and possibly price premium in the marketplace.

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