Project number: 1986-092
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Gregory Jenkins
Organisation: University of Melbourne
Project start/end date: 28 Dec 1989 - 31 Dec 1989


1. Evaluate how much of a threat Coscinasterias calamaria poses to demersal mollusc fisheries
2. Estimate feed rate on important molluscs, by examining density & feeding strategy of adult starfish
time to digest before searching further
how prey avoid capture.

Final report

Author: Dr R.W. Day
Final Report • 1989-12-31 • 513.37 KB


The large starfish, Coscinasterias calamaria is known to feed on commercially exploited molluscs, including blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra), mussels (Mytilus edulis) and scallops (Pecten irradians).

The study investigated the abundance of the seastar on reefs in Port Phillip Bay, and the extent to which it reduces stocks of the blacklip abalone on these reefs. It is recommended that abalone divers note when there appear to be very few small mussels on offshore reefs early in the year, as this may provide a warning of possible depletion of abalone stocks later. Preventative measures could then be taken.

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