Project number: 1989-113
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $44,000.00
Principal Investigator: Donald A. Hancock
Organisation: Australian Society For Fish Biology Inc
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1990 - 31 Dec 1991


1. [Conduct workshops] during the Aust Society for Fish Biology Annual Conference on a technical subject of current or perceived national or regional fisheries significance.


ISBN: 0 644 10500 8
Author: D. A. Hancock
Proceedings • 2019-07-21 • 11.38 MB
1989-113-Proceedings no.5.pdf


Scientific investigation uses many techniques. The array of available techniques changes over time as some are revised and new ones develop; some techniques stand the test of time better than others. Throughout the use of established techniques we must continually question the suitability, utility and cost-effectiveness of our methods. On occasions, the opportunity arises to hold a workshop such as the one reported in the present Proceedings and thereby explore many aspects of the application of a favourite, tried and tested research tool. The tool in question here is tagging or marking of animals in the cause of fisheries research.

Project products

Proceedings • 1990-08-22 • 17.69 MB
1989-113-Proceedings no.12.pdf


The workshop on "The Measurement of Age and Growth in Fish and Shellfish" was held on August 22-23 1990 at Erskine House, Lome, courtesy of the Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment. Its purpose was to try to resolve some of the controversy about what constitutes a validated age series, together with the estimation and comparison of growth. It was convened prior to a workshop on "Legal Sizes and their use in Fisheries Management" and preceded the Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB). Funding for the workshops and administrative resources was provided by the Fishing Industry Research and Development Council (FIRDC), the workshops coordinated by Dr Don Hancock (ex W.A. Fisheries) with publication of the proceedings made possible by the Bureau of Rural Resources (BRR).
Proceedings • 1990-08-24 • 9.35 MB
1989-113-Proceedings no.13.pdf


The Workshop on "Legal Sizes and Their Use in Fisheries Management" was held on August 24, 1990 at Erskine House, Lome, courtesy of the Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment. Its purpose was to examine the usefulness of legal sizes as management tools. It was preceded by a two day workshop entitled "The Measurement of Age and Growth in Fish and Shellfish" and both were part of the annual conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB). Funding for the workshops and administrative resources was provided by the Fishing Industry Research and Development Council (FIRDC), the workshops were coordinated by Dr Don Hancock (ex W.A. Fisheries), and publication of the proceedings made possible by the Bureau of Rural Resources.

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