Project number: 1994-017
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $154,668.33
Principal Investigator: Malcolm Dunning
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 27 Jun 1994 - 30 Jun 2001


1. To document the known distribution and seasonal abundance of squid (loligo spp.) and northern calamary (Sepioteuthis)
2. To investigate species composition, seasonal size composition and basic life history characteristics of existing and potentially commercially important northern Australian squid resources
3. To undertake gear assessment/experimental fishing for squid using jigs under lights, lift nets and purpose designed squid trawls off southern and central Queensland in collaboration with commercial fishers
4. To assess the relative seasonal catch rates of squid at selected locations off southern and central Queensland in collaboration with commercial fishers

Final report

Author: Malcolm Dunning Kate Yeomans Scott McKinnon
Final Report • 2000-11-08 • 3.62 MB


Squid are an increasing component in the reported byproduct of commercial prawn and finfish trawlers in northern Australian shelf waters and interest has been shown by Queensland and Northern Territory fishers in developing target fisheries for squid using jigs. In general, squid caught on jigs or in lift or other surround nets are of higher quality, larger size and, on overseas markets, fetch a much higher price than squid caught by trawling.

In support of developing squid jig fisheries and to provide management advice, this project aimed to consolidate and enhance our knowledge of their fisheries biology and suitable fishing methods for inshore squid in northern Australian waters.

Keywords: inshore squid, developmental fisheries, jigging, tropical Australia, Loliginidae, Photololigo, Sepioteuthis

Project products

Guide • 3.74 MB
1994-017 Field guide to Australian cephalopods.pdf


The aim of this guide is to help commercial fishers, scientific observers and recreational fishermen to identify the most common cephalopods (cuttlefish, squid and octopus) caught in Australian fisheries. Logbooks kept by commercial and recreational fishers provide essential information for fisheries research and management; however, for the records to be useful the catch must be correctly identified, especially in any developing fishery.

Cephalopods, particularly squid, occur in commercial quantities throughout the Australian Fishing Zone but remain largely under utilized. Squid are highly productive species, and generally live for less than a year. They are caught throughout the year, usually with high catches in spring and summer. High catch rates have been recorded in targeted cephalopod trawl fisheries off northern Australia.

Many of the species treated here have not been described and illustrated in the literature, and until now there has been no shipboard guide to the local Australian cephalopods of commercial importance. However, some of the species are included in other publications, some of which are in the bibliography.

As Australia's cephalopod fisheries develop to the stage where management plans are required, the composition, size and sustainable harvest levels of the stocks must be assessed. Commonwealth-managed fisheries are evaluated on the basis of this information. At present, recorded landings represent only a fraction of the cephalopod catch, as cephalopods taken as bycatch are often discarded at sea or used as bait in other fisheries.

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