Project number: 1995-137
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Jim Prescott
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 27 Jun 1997 - 30 Jun 1997


1. Identify alternative hypotheses and develop several options whereby the lobster population could be manipulated by commercial fishing activity to achieve a desired experimental treatment and control eg high and low population densities
2. Conduct analyses to determine the experimental parameters eg length of experiment, spatial scale of experiment, experimental design (replicates etc). Determine local and zone scale social, operational and economic impacts.
3. Conduct a series of workshops where commercial and recreational sectors, managers and enforcement officers can have input
4. Develop a consensus view on one option for conducting the experiment. A research proposal based on this option would then be drafted, if consensus can be reached. The proposal would detail costs of research, management and enforcement.

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