Project number: 1995-155
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $790,414.87
Principal Investigator: Jayne M. Gallagher
Organisation: Australian Seafood Industry Council (ASIC)
Project start/end date: 20 Nov 1995 - 30 Aug 2000


1. To establish appropriate mechanisms for encouraging the development of a quality ethos within the Australian seafood industry
2. To identify and implement appropriate strategies to acheive agreed seafood quality goals
3. To influence the development of a policy, program and regulatory environment which actively promotes and supports the uptake of quality management systems

Final report

Author: Jayne Gallagher
Final Report • 2017-09-29 • 37.72 MB
1995-155 SeaQual Phase 1 Final Report.pdf


SeaQual was established in December 1995, as a joint initiative of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy (now Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Australia) and the Australian Seafood Industry Council. SeaQual was located in the Canberra offices of the Australian Seafood Industry Council and overall strategic direction of the project was provided by a broad industry based Steering Committee.

This report outlines the results achieved in the pursuit of SeaOual's objectives. Originally a four year program, SeaQual achieved all its milestones, and more, in only three years with significantly less resources than anticipated.

Several recommendations are made in relation to the operation of industry-government partnerships and the need to establish and maintain levels of resources and commitment. The need to establish and promote industry development activities early and to clarify expectations of all stakeholders are also identified as critical success factors for future projects.

SeaQual was established with an information and capacity building role, and released several innovative products and publications over the three years.

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