Project number: 1998-333
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $58,700.00
Principal Investigator: Martin Smallridge
Organisation: Ocean Gold Investments Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 25 Aug 1998 - 20 Jan 2003


1. Pilot trials under laboratory conditions have shown that blue swimmer crabs can be successfully cultured from egg to saleable product. Investigation and refinement of husbandry techniques are required, under conditions of commercial scale production, to remove uncertainty impeding development of an industry.

2. Research undertaken to date lays the foundation for the development of a successful new industry. The expansion of the industry requires the development of a sound scientific basis to husbandry techniques and ongoing research support. The key impediments identified are in the areas of nutrition, health and temperature/stocking rate interaction.


1. To define profit maximising husbandry strategies for aquaculture of blue swimmer crabs under commercial conditions.
2. To define feeding strategies for optimum growth and survival of blue swimmer crabs under aquaculture conditions.
3. To determine health impacts on blue swimmer crabs under intensive holding conditions of stocking density, water temperature and feeding strategies.

Final report

ISBN: 0-97502-60-0-3
Author: Martin Smallridge

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