Project number: 1999-314
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $57,064.00
Principal Investigator: Caleb Gardner
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 29 Dec 1999 - 29 Nov 2000


Development of a rock lobster aquaculture industry through the harvest of puerulus from the wild cannot proceed if there is a net loss of animals from the wild fishery. The concept of removing puerulus from the wild has received widespread opposition from participants in rock lobster fishing industries, and managers of the resource, as the resource is considered to be highly exploited. Rock lobster fisheries management policy in most states is specifically directed towards stock rebuilding and it is perceived that additional extraction by puerulus removal runs counter to those policies.

Current research on techniques for the extraction and on-growing of puerulus from the wild have proceeded with an assumption that puerulus extraction should be "biologically neutral". It has been proposed that "biological neutrality" can be achieved by a proportional reduction in catch of adult animals, either through a reduction in effort (eg removal of pots) or through buy-out of quota (in ITQ management). However, this mechanism for achieving biological neutrality has been criticised, as puerulus extraction is likely to occur in sheltered, heavily exploited regions - while the effort removed from the fishery may have been directed to a completely different region. In this scenario, puerulus extraction could lead to local depletion and loss of egg production, despite the concurrent reduction in effort.

The proposed project is directed to an alternative mechanism for compensating for the removal of puerulus. Reseeded animals can be released back to the same areas from which they were extracted so no localised depletion will result. Reseeding the area with animals additional to those required for biological neutrality will provide an enhancement benefit. This system has benefits to the fishing industry through enhanced yield, and also to the proposed aquaculture industry through access.

The potentially valuable on-growing industry is reliant upon the development of a mechanism for compensating for puerulus loss that does not harm the wild fishery.


1. To develop methods to capture large numbers of 1 year old benthic juvenile rock lobsters, both for providing control animals and for monitoring survival of reseeded animals. (note that this is not puerulus collection)
2. To determine the extent of movement of reseeded and control juveniles after release, to assist in estimation of survival
3. To develop methods to assess relative survival of cultured juvenile lobsters released into a natural habitat.

Final report

Authors: Caleb Gardner David Mills Sam Ibbott Simon Wilcox and Bradley Crear

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