Project number: 2001-306
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Peter Stephenson
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 24 Jul 2001 - 15 Aug 2003


The current ESD case studies project has identified multi-sector fisheries, often with limited data, as posing one of the most difficult areas for assessment of stock status. These fisheries are typically fished by a small number of commercial operators taking small catches of a diverse range of species. Comprehensive commercial databases are generally lacking, and recreational catches are poorly known. Such stocks are often significantly impacted by environmental variation both man made and natural.

There is an urgent need for researchers and managers responsible for future fisheries ESD reporting and assessment to examine techniques for data gathering (both catch/effort and biological) and assessment for these types of fisheries. The historical approach of dealing with the data and assessments of fisheries from a single sector perspective is no longer compatible with ESD requirements.

This ASFB workshop will bring scientists, managers, and other stakeholders together to investigate innovative ways of providing reliable assessments of the stocks and sustainable harvest levels for our coastal, estuarine, and inland fish resources.


1. To explore alternative data sources for multi sector fisheries
2. To report on innovative methods for ESD assessment of multi sector fisheries.
3. To bring together researchers, managers and key stakeholders to focus on assessment and resource sharing for these fisheries.
4. Publication of the papers presented at the workshop as well as the subsequent discussion and comments.

Final report

Author: Peter Stephenson
Final Report • 2017-09-29 • 66.68 KB


FRDC and State agencies have generously supported an annual national workshop hosted by Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) since the 1980’s. At the workshop, Australian and overseas scientists have presented keynote addresses on the theme of the workshop, followed by panel debates. The papers presented, and subsequent discussion are published in a book of proceedings.  The topic for the 2001 workshop, “Towards sustainability of data-limited multi-sector fisheries” was topical in light of the requirement for ESD reporting on Australian fisheries for EA, many of which are data poor. 
Two international scientists with a special interest in this area were invited to be keynote speakers: Dr Ana Palma, from Peitre Madro, in Argrentina and Dr Jim Ianelli from Seattle in USA.

Despite the collapse of Ansett, and travel bans by US government employees, 69 delegates attended. All papers were presented, albeit some not by the author, with the written papers and discussion published in July 2003. First drafts were reviewed by Stephen Newman, Daniel Gaughan, Gary Jackson, Micheal Mackie, Brett Maloney, and Jill St John from Department of Fisheries WA, final editing by Patricia Kailola, and print set up by Sandy Clarke.

Project products

Proceedings • 1.53 MB
2001-306 ASFB Proceedings.pdf


Proceedings for the 2001 Australian Society for Fish Biology workshop entitled "Towards sustainability of data-limited multi-sector fisheries".

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