Project number: 2002-044
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $283,659.00
Principal Investigator: Brian Jones
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 30 Dec 2002 - 30 Jul 2006


This proposal seeks to continue the work begun at AAHL and Department of Fisheries. There is a need to independently validate the available tools from Western Australia and AAHL and to put them to use in elucidating the biology of the virus, including a survey of wild pilchards for the virus. This is especially important as a number of modeling papers have made inferences about the latency and infectivity of the virus which need to be verified. There is also a need to continue the sequencing of the viral genome which has been carried out both at AAHL and in WA, in order to design more specific tools and also to compare the virus obtained in 1995 with that collected in 1998. This work was identified as a national priority in 1998 and the need has not diminished. It was also recognised by the JPSWG, from the outset, that progress would be slow.


1. To improve the sensitive and specific diagnostic assays (polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) and in situ hybridization (ISH) which are based on current limited sequence data. This will include the generation of further sequence data from the available stocks of virus.
2. To independently establish the sensitivity and specificity of the PCRs and ISH at other laboratories, including AAHL.
3. To then investigate basic aspects of the virus and the disease eg. the tissue distribution of virus in infected fish, and the correlation between disease in fish and the presence of virus.
4. To survey wild pilchard populations to determine whether the virus is still currently detectable and causing disease.
5. To compare the herpesvirus strains from 1995 & 1998, and to compare, at the molecular level, this herpesvirus and this disease with two other similar herpesvirus fish diseases which have been reported elsewhere in the world.

Final report

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Pilchard mortality events in Australia and related world events

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Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA)