Project number: 2002-321
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $28,740.00
Principal Investigator: Richard N. Stevens
Organisation: Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)
Project start/end date: 3 Nov 2002 - 30 Aug 2005


There is a need to discover what human resources are available to the State and what is their individual field of R&D. This need extends to research institutions and there capacity to conduct R&D. Once collected, the data needs to be compiled into a database that is largely self-maintaining via the ability for those registered to be able to change significant details themselves, thus continuously updating the database. The need for such a database extends to the whole country, but it is necessary to conduct a pilot project to determine exactly what data is required, and how the data may be sorted by people looking for one or more people to solve a particular problem.


1. To conduct a fisheries R&D capacity audit for Western Australia.
2. To collate the results of the audit into a self-marinating database, capable of interrogation by stakeholders.
3. To provide the database to the FRDC to expand it nationally.

Final report

Author: Richard Stevens
Final Report • 2006-02-17 • 115.87 KB


The objective of the project, to produce a comprehensive database of research providers in Western Australia, was achieved.

Each of the major research institutions has entries, complete with Units within those institutions and the people that make up those Units. This system parallels the FRDC database.

Keywords: Fisheries R&D database; fisheries R&D Search Engine;

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