Project number: 2008-215
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $58,000.00
Principal Investigator: Ben Diggles
Organisation: DigsFish Services Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 14 Oct 2008 - 29 Nov 2009


Development of an environmental standard for fishing tournaments has been seen by all stakeholders as an opportunity to enhance and promote the sustainability of recreational fishing by proactively addressing possible sustainability issues for larger tournaments as well as fish welfare issues which are beginning to be directed towards the recreational fishing industry more frequently, particularly in catch and release fishing tournaments. When Recfish originally developed the conceptual outline of a national environmental standard for fishing tournaments, they envisaged this process would take around 2 years to develop the system, and after that some 3 to 5 more years for it to gain wide acceptance. Now that the NEATFish standard has been developed after 2 years, the most crucial aspect of its implementation and extension must now begin in earnest. Feedback from industry during its development suggests that the major challenge for the concept will be to create a better awareness of NEATFish and what it has to offer clubs and other bodies. The process of awareness raising will involve development of a website, promotional materials, and a profile for NEATFish in the fishing media and at various industry events, including tackle shows and conferences. Given the need for significant capital outlay to develop a website and other materials to implement and publicise NEATFish, there is a need for immediate additional funding from the FRDC in order to maintain momentum and ensure ultimate success. To do so we wish to utilise unused monies left over from savings made during the previous project (Crispian Ashby has been made aware of the magnitude of these savings) together with additional funding in order to drive the project down the path of commercialisation.


1. To develop an interactive website with dynamic content to manage and promote the NEATFish standard and facilitate its uptake by industry
2. To publicise the standard and website in the fishing media
3. To publicise the standard and website at trade tackle shows and conferences
4. To liase with industry bodies, tournament organisers, government authorities and environmental groups

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9806995-1-7
Author: Ben Diggles

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