Project number: 2008-314.28
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $5,983.00
Principal Investigator: Chris Izzo
Organisation: University of Adelaide
Project start/end date: 20 Jun 2012 - 31 Jul 2013


The nominated ISC far exceeds any fish biology/fisheries meeting held in Australia (e.g. ASFB conferences generally attract ~150 attendees versus ~500 attendees expected at the upcoming ISC2013). Given the ISCs tri-annular occurrence, this is a unique opportunity to present my research to those relevant international peers and leaders in the fields of fish biology, fisheries science and sclerochronology.

As an early career researcher (ECR), attending and presenting at an international conference provides me with an exciting opportunity to develop professionally, by broadening my knowledge base within the field, as well as in assisting in identifying gaps for future research. Most of all it will enable me to meet fellow fish enthusiasts and to forge new collaborative ties with world leading researchers in the fields of invertebrate and vertebrate fisheries science and climate research.

For ECRs there are few opportunities available to attain financial support to attend meetings. By combining this conference attendance with a laboratory placement/visit and attendance at the field week, I aim to maximise this funding opportunity provided by the FRDC. Integrating these events in this one overseas trip will provided a means of having access to innovative research groups in order to develop research skill sets that are novel within the Australian fisheries science community. This will no doubt be of great benefit to my professional development as an ECR and provides an opportunity to bring new skill sets back to Australia.


1. Attend the 3rd International Sclerochronology Conference, where I will present our research findings entitled: "Otolith increment chronologies reflect year class strength of the South Australian mulloway"
2. Visit with the members of the Sclerochronology and Scleroclimatology Group at Bangor University
3. Attend at the 1st International Sclerochronology Field Week

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