Project number: 2008-325
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $20,000.00
Principal Investigator: Anna Cronin
Organisation: Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2008 - 29 Jun 2009


Following on from our discussions at the FRAB Stakeholders meeting in Canberra, WAFIC is seeking FRDC financial support for its Strategic Planning Workshop which is scheduled to be held at the Hillarys Research Centre on Tuesday 10 June, 2008.

Given the work that Ewan Colquhoun did with the WAFIC Seafood CRC Strategic Plan, WAFIC has engaged Ewan as facilitator for the Strategic Planning day. The program will in all likelihood be very similar although there will be more participants – probably very similar to the Summit meeting held in Fremantle in October last year.

We estimate the cost of the Strategic Planning process including travel assistance for some participants, room hire, catering, and the facilitators’ cost for writing up the report will be $20,000. WAFIC is seeking FRDC support to cover this amount of costs. Any costs above that amount will be paid from the WAFIC operational budget.

The October 2007 Summit and the WAFIC Seafood CRC Strategic Plan have provided a very good framework for the WAFIC Strategic Planning day.


1. To develop a strategic plan for WAFIC

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