Project number: 2008-705
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Graham C. Mair
Organisation: Flinders University
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2008 - 29 Mar 2011


This research will address all the background issues relating to the implementation of successful breeding programs for the species cultured by the end users investing in the CRC's Breeding for Profit theme (e.g. trait prioritisation, determination and allocation of resources, genetic parameter estimation, breeding program design, data management and analysis, etc.). The PDRF will be expected to play a significant role in developing the project applications for CST, ABFA and AAGA and be involved in the development of strategic projects in the Theme as these develop and then be a lead scientist undertaking the designated research, in association with experts in aquaculture genetics and also from other disciplines (e.g. nutrition, aquatic animal health, larval rearing and systems design).
The proposed project is likely to comprise a range of research activities focussed on the estimation of genetic parameters, the management of selection programs and the estimation of genetic gains. There will also be a range of complementary research activities addressing key constraints to optimisation of breeding programs.

The contributions of this PDRF will be directed at the CRC’s Program 1 – Value Chain Profitability, Outcome 1 – Increased profitability and industry value through efficient delivery of Australian seafood to the consumer; and Output 1.3 - removal or reduction of key production constraints in selected aquaculture systems. The focus in this area will be on milestones 1.3.1 (new genetic tools and/or appropriate breeding strategies developed for genetic management and improvement of at least two aquaculture species); 1.3.2 (genetic parameters estimated for key commercial traits; genetic improvement programs designed and implemented for at least two aquaculture species) and 1.3.5 (production efficiency gains from genetic, health management and nutritional interventions quantified to inform long-term strategies and estimate commercial benefits).

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