Project number: 2008-721
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Col Bishop
Organisation: Seafood Services Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 14 Mar 2008 - 29 Jun 2008


The seafood industry is currently considering a range of promotional strategies aimed at increasing the consumption of Australian seafood. These strategies range from those focused at broad generalised whole of industry to specific sectoral and company based promotion. These strategies, particularly the broader generalised promotion, are based on industry's current understanding of the barriers and drivers for consumption.

The CRC has committed to undertaking work on barriers and drivers for seafood consumption and on communicating the benefits and risks of seafood. A draft Theme Business Plan has been developed "SellFish" to help guide CRC research investment decisions in this area.

A small survey of buyers attending the Australian pavillion at ESE will provide some valuable baseline data regarding some of the potential drivers for increasing sales of Australian seafood. The work can be repeated for a small additional cost each year for the life of the CRC.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925982-17-6
Authors: Dr Hervé Remaud Dr Nick Danenberg Dr Carl Driesener
Final Report • 2008-02-29 • 425.12 KB


This report details the findings of European Seafood Exposition survey conducted in Brussels in April 2008. The main purpose of this project was to survey perception that seafood traders / professionals of this industry have about 6 seafood producing countries, including Australia. We chose to use the 'pick any' method allowing us (in less than 5 minutes per interview) to compare and measure the country's association with relevant attributes.

41 people responded to the survey. Overall, Australia is perceived closely to New Zealand and is seen as being a 'trustworthy' 'natural' product from 'pristine' waters with 'good food safety' and a 'premium quality'. On the other hand, Australia suffers from lacking the perceptions to do with good supply, such as 'consistent supply' and 'easy to get'. Quality is the word that comes first to mind for 29% of the respondents (to the question).

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