Project number: 2009-073
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $51,685.88
Principal Investigator: Sarah M. Jennings
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 26 Jul 2010 - 29 Dec 2010


While this program will cover the South-Eastern Australia marine region (including State and Commonwealth waters from approximately the South Australia/ Western Australia border to approximately the New South Wales/ Queensland border), the outputs will contribute to developing and implementing relevant national plans and strategies such as the National Climate Change and Fisheries Action Plan (Draft), and the National Adaptation Research Plan for Marine Biodiversity and Resources.

Within the context of the SEAP, the outcomes of this project will be used to inform the need and priorities for additional social and economic research, and will inform subsequent analyses of management and adaptation strategies. It will also complement and inform the development of a vulnerability framework for use in the marine context in SEAP.


1. To develop a clear understanding of key dimensions of social and economic risk in the fishing and aquaculture sectors in relation to climate change drivers.
2. To develop a practical method for conducting high-level fisheries sector risk assessments.
3. To conduct a high-level social and economic climate change related risk assessment for selected key fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
4. To identify key fisheries and aquaculture sectors that are most at risk (social and economic) due to climate change drivers.

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