Project number: 2009-303
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $240,000.00
Principal Investigator: Neil Stump
Organisation: National Aquaculture Council (NAC)
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2009 - 29 Nov 2014


Conferences still remain the primary method of knowledge transfer between stakeholders of the aquaculture industry, whether they are industry, government, researchers or NGO’s. However they need to be structured correctly for the benefit of the industry. There needs to be opportunities for industry to talk and listen to each other, as well as industry to talk to and listen to researchers and government and vice versa. The Australasian Aquaculture Conferences provide these opportunities.

The Australasian Aquaculture Conferences of 2004-06-08 have been learning curves for the industry and the NAC in running events of this size. The FRDC were rightly cautious in sponsoring the conference on a conference by conference basis. However, NAC has proven it is a competent conference convener and the industry have shown their support through excellent conference attendances. Given this track record the FRDC should feel confident in signing up as a conference sponsor on a long term basis, i.e. for the next 3 conferences 20010-12-14. Having the long term support of the FRDC will mean a large proportion of the conference sponsorship will be secured. This will allow the NAC to pursue other sponsorship using the FRDC’s commitment as both a surety of the conference and as leverage for attracting other sponsors to the conference. This will have significant flow on benefits to the Australian aquaculture industry. It will flow through to the quality of the conference program, trade show, the facilities and hospitality. Ultimately, the conference will generate significant profit that will eventually lead to little or no reliance on the FRDC for future underwriting. Further, conference profits will be used by the NAC on behalf of its members to provide better services.


1. Provide an international forum for aquaculture stakeholders to identify pathways to sustainable aquaculture development
2. Provide an international trade show of aquaculture equipment and services, fully integrated with the conference.
3. To promote Australian aquaculture to international interests.

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