Project number: 2009-760
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Blair
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 19 Oct 2009 - 20 Jan 2013


Australian marine finfish farming has a target to increase production to 100,000 t by 2015 (Hone, 2008). In order to achieve this ambitious target considerable growth in the quantity and quality of hatchery produced fry is vital. This project adds critical mass to the highly skilled and specialised area of larval rearing research which will under pin industry growth.

Relevance to industry priorities and Seafood CRC milestones

Developing a sustainable, aquaculture-based supply of SBT juveniles is critical for the growth of the SBT industry in Australia. By increasing our knowledge of SBT and YTK biology, informed modifications to production systems will increase larval survival, addressing four specific outputs of the Finfish - Aquaculture Production Innovation theme including; Strategy 2: 1)Reliable production of SBT juveniles, and 2) Reliable, cost-effective production of high quality juveniles of YTK & other key species, and Strategy 3: 1) Established production techniques for propagated SBT, and 2) Improved feeds and feed management for marine fish during hatchery, nursery and grow-out stages (including during sub-optimal temperatures conditions). The CRC Milestones contributed to are 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 Key researchable constraints (in SBT and YTK larval culture) identified, characterised and successfully addressed.

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