Project number: 2010-309.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Peter Horvat
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 1 Feb 2010 - 29 Jun 2010


Climate change is now a major issue for the Fishing Industry and an area in which the FRDC has become more focused in the past two years. FRDC is now starting to develop a network of researchers and experts to undertaken activities in this field.

Climate change will have many impacts on marine ecosystems, and on human uses of them. Improved scientific support for policy and management decision-making in the face of these potential impacts is essential. In response to this need, interdisciplinary research teams have been formed around the world to analyze data and develop models to explore the likelihood and nature of future ecosystem states and strategies for sustainable use in these future states. To facilitate the advancement of this critical research, ICES, PICES and FAO are holding an international symposium. This symposium will provide a forum for scientists and policymakers to discuss the potential impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems and our uses of these ecosystems, and to consider the strategies that society can take to be prepared for anticipated impacts. Quantitative studies of the potential impact of climate change on fish and fisheries throughout the world will be featured.

It is important that the information form this conference is extended and made available for the fishing industry in Australia.


1. Extension of research presented at the E-fishing conference on "energy" related issues relevant to the fishing industry

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