Project number: 2010-401
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $68,200.00
Principal Investigator: Chris E. Calogeras
Organisation: C-AID Consultants
Project start/end date: 14 Nov 2010 - 31 May 2011


Less than 2% of State fisheries agency RD&E capacity is focussed towards indigenous needs. Only the NT has an operational group focusing on indigenous fishing and aquaculture.

Indigenous input and project assessment by FRDC is limited due to the complexities and costs of engaging effectively with indigenous Australians on fishing and seafood related RD&E.

The ability of FRDC’s IIRG to provide advice and input has been limited by the relatively short time available during teleconferences to thoroughly work through proposed concepts. While the IIRG is made of experienced members, the small numbers involved lack some clarity around the type of advice that it can provide towards a national approach, whilst being cognisant of FRDC’s limitations. The group has identified that a face to face meeting/workshop is vital to allow it to develop identifiable Indigenous sector input to the National Strategy.

Following presentation of the IFCoE scoping study the Board noted;

• building capacity was a crucial first step
• that FRDC needs to progress its indigenous investment strategy slowly with much care
• the IIRG will link FRDC to people and hubs where FRDC’s investment would have the greatest chance of success
• FRDC should look for opportunities to partner with organisations on indigenous investment.

The proposed meeting will allow the expansion of the group’s capacity by broadening its network through the inclusion of additional people who provide expertise and links to improve FRDC’s strategic investment in indigenous focussed RD&E and providing an environment conducive to building trust and securing genuine and well-considered input.

This forum will provide advice and assistance to help address the above needs of the FRDC, and to assist the Forum to enhance engagement and enhance RD&E needs for the indigenous commercial and customary sectors.


1. Undertake a Strategic Meeting with IIRG members with a view to providing formal advice to the FRDC on a range of matters as outlined in the methods section.
2. Expand the IIRG’s capacity by the involvement of people from outside of the group who have expertise and links to assist in improving FRDC’s strategic investment in indigenous focussed RD&E
3. Provide a written report to FRDC that will allow the Board to further develop its investment in RD&E that has a significant benefit to Indigenous Australians
4. Commence development of an extension process to the broader indigenous community through the links and networks developed at the meeting
5. Work towards a process on how best to identify a person with the relevant expertise to act as the indigenous delegate to the National Priorities Forum, and processes for identifying national RD&E priorities and appropriate collaborations.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9871427-0-2
Author: Chris Calogeras

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