Project number: 2010-757
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Kenneth Davey
Organisation: University of Adelaide Waite Campus
Project start/end date: 30 Jul 2011 - 29 Jun 2013


Inconsistent quality of farmed barramundi (pond or recirculation system) in the marketplace has
been identified by ABFA as a major issue causing buyer resistance and negative market impacts.
This is limiting realisation of full revenue return for farmed barramundi. The inconsistency in
quality is mainly associated with the presence of ‘earthy’ or ’muddy’ taints derived from
planktonic and benthic algae (particularly cyanobacteria), fungi and actinomycetes which are
known to produce geosmin (GSM) and 2-methyl isoborneol (MIB). These compounds impart
muddy, earthy, musty odour, detectable by the human palate when present at extremely low
concentrations in water and fish, and not favoured by consumers (Percival et al., 2008).
This project aims to develop an algae-taint production model for recirculation systems. This
innovative approach will provide clear and measurable direction for reducing taint compound
levels through provision of a practical management tool. Its use will significantly improve
knowledge of the balance between water quality, algicide use and purging time and conditions,
and taint variability.

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