Project number: 2011-244
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $71,639.00
Principal Investigator: David C. Smith
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 31 Jan 2012 - 31 Jul 2012


FRDC and CSIRO have agreed that a more strategic leadership role between the two agencies to deal with issues of strategic importance would be of great benefit to all involved in Australia’s fishery sectors. This is not intended to be an exclusive relationship and other research providers will be invited to participate.

Two strategic issues, that have been raised, implicitly and explicitly, as priorities by stakeholders and are identified in the PISC R D&E strategy for fishing and aquaculture and FRDC’s current strategic plan, are:
— Social licence to operate implications for industry and management, and
— Implications of changing governance and regulatory frameworks on economic, social and ecological outcomes
Each issue has significant implications for ongoing sustainability, management effectiveness, industry viability and societal views of the industry and its management. Both issues present significant research challenges - not the least being defining the body of work that is required to address them.
This proposal is for a small scoping study that will develop research plans to address both issues.
The purpose of the joint activity between CSIRO and FRDC is to get ahead of the game: to invest in research that takes a proactive approach to tomorrow’s opportunities and issues for fisheries management. The project will focus on wild capture fisheries, both recreational and commercial. It will take a ‘whole of system’ approach integrating across social, economic, environmental and governance considerations.


1. 1. To understand and document the key elements of each strategic issue
2. 2. To identify the body of research required to address each issue
3. 3. To develop a strategic research plan for each research area

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