Project number: 2011-759
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Erica O. Starling
Organisation: Indian Ocean Fresh Australia Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2011 - 29 Dec 2011

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-9808007-8-4
Author: Rowan Kleindienst
Final Report • 2011-10-20 • 947.37 KB


As a newly emerging Yellowtail Kingfish (Seriola lalandi) producer in WA, it would benefit staff members of Indian Ocean Fresh Australia to view much larger scale Yellowtail farms and understand how they are managed and how operations are conducted.

Areas of interest include:

  • Growth rates and nutritional issues
  • Fish health issues and disease management
  • Parasite management
  • Harvesting practices

This project allowed Indian Ocean Fresh Pty Ltd staff members to visit a Seriola sp seacage operation in Southern Japan. Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata), Hiramasa (Seriola lalandi) and Kampachi (Seriola dumerili) farming has developed successfully over the last 30 years on a commercial scale in Japan and there are likely to be similarities in production issues especially in light of similar water temperatures in southern Japan and WA.

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