Project number: 2013-715
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Vikki Schaffer
Organisation: University of the Sunshine Coast (USC)
Project start/end date: 31 May 2013 - 29 May 2014


The University of the Sunshine Coast has expertise in Supply Chain, Business, Marketing, Social Networks and Social Capital. This Post Doc will utilise skills in these areas to support key CRC activities. This application will enable USC to retain a valuable and skilled researcher which the CRC has invested in the development of, and through additional efforts of the Post Doc will enable other CRC participants to capitalise on this knowledge and expertise.

Prawns and Barramundi, soon to be followed by other sectors, are developing & implementing national marketing strategies which will largely rely on having effective relationships with specialist seafood retailers. A separate project (MT040) is being developed to investigate how best to engage with this channel & implement strategies in partnership with these seafood retailers.

This Post Doc will work closely with the CRC Projects Manager and apply research knowledge and skills in relation to business strategy, business models and social networks/capital to project MT040.

Specific Key Project Involvement:

MT040 Know the retailer - strategies for working with specialist seafood retailers:
Work as a Co-Investigator on this project, with specific responsibility for developing and evaluating effective methods for engaging specialist seafood retailers in industry marketing activities, and the sharing of best practice. This concept has been approved by the CRC Board, and full detail will be contained in the Full Proposal currently being developed

2011/736 National Prawn Category Marketing Strategy:
Work with the Marketing Manager (and others) on implementation process with Queensland Prawn Fishers - an area identified as the one of the most difficult to engage with

2010/777 Identification of the core leadership group and network structure of East Coast Trawl to develop, implement and evaluate strategic opportunities:
Implement recommendations coming out of this project

2008/794.20 Repositioning Australian farmed Barramundi in the domestic market:
Assist with implementation of actions coming out of this project.

Other projects identified over the next 14 months.

A current process of harvesting outputs that can be extended is being undertaken within the CRC by the Program Managers for Programs 2 and 3, as well as the Seafood Project Manager. This process will identify 2 priorities for extension via this PDRS.

A Full work plan will be developed with the Program Manager Program 2 and the Seafood Project Manager, and reviewed and updated on a quarterly basis.

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