Project number: 2015-405
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $49,961.47
Principal Investigator: Bradley Moore
Organisation: University of Tasmania
Project start/end date: 30 Jun 2016 - 29 Jun 2018


The Commonwealth and States have shared responsibility for the management of Australia’s fisheries resources under a Federal system of Government. This can create a number of challenges, foremost of which is incompatible management arrangements applying to the same fish stock across jurisdictions. Other issues include the lack of awareness, engagement and communication between fisheries managers working on common fisheries problems across jurisdictions and reductions in government funding for fisheries management and research.

There is a recognised need to increase cross-institutional engagement so line managers (as in those staff engaged in the development and implementation of fisheries management and policy) are made more cognisant of the work being undertaken across jurisdictions, thereby increasing their knowledge, skills and understanding of fisheries issues and solutions, with the aim of achieving management efficiencies. Due to budgetary cuts and increased workloads, Australian fisheries managers have very little time or opportunity to communicate and network with their associates within other institutions. The establishment of a professional association of Australian fisheries managers would facilitate collaboration and engagement by providing a forum for discussion/debate as well as acting as a repository for information and coordinator for future workshops and meetings on key focus areas. Qualified and experienced fisheries managers, despite their pivotal role in sustainable fisheries, are largely unrecognised as inter-disciplinary professionals in their own right. This is in contrast to fisheries biologists and economists. The formation of the association could lead to increased recognition of fisheries management as a profession. There would also be a value to industry through synergizing management approaches across jurisdictions, increasing efficiency and thereby reducing possible costs of management.


1. Establishment of Professional Association of Australian Fisheries Managers
2. Improved accessibility and transparency of jurisdictional fisheries management information (technical papers, policy and legislation) through hosting of a central website
3. Increased recognition of the profession of fisheries management within Australia and the current work undertaken by managers to ensure fisheries remain sustainable
4. Exposure of fisheries managers to innovations and developments in fisheries ecological, economic, social and political fields in Australia and overseas
5. Improved consistency and transparency in management approaches between jurisdictions through greater information-sharing and liaison
6. Establishment of linkages between fisheries managers for future interactions and collaborative engagement
7. Improved public confidence in Australian fisheries management through greater stakeholder outreach and communication
8. Ensuring the Association has appropriate support (financial and logistical) to operate beyond the completion of the two year project

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-925646-67-2
Authors: Moore B.R. Cartwright I. Emery T. McDonald Rowling K. Sloan S.
Final Report • 2019-05-16 • 928.29 KB


Amongst Australian fisheries managers, a persistent challenge exists to facilitate regular and coordinated professional engagement and exchange between Commonwealth, Territory and State level fisheries managers working on common fisheries problems. There is also an absence of professional recognition of fisheries managers and acknowledgment of the quality work they produce, both from key fishery stakeholders and the wider community. The opportunities for fisheries management to be advanced in Australia and for staff development could be greatly enhanced by regular and coordinated professional exchange between fishery managers in State, Territory and Commonwealth fisheries organisations.

Feedback from Australian fishery managers provided support for the formation of the professional association of Australian fisheries managers, a strong willingness to pay for membership and keen interest in the association organising and facilitating future workshops and meetings on key focus areas. This was also strongly supported by members of the Australian Fisheries Management Forum (AFMF).

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